Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

What A Christmas!!
Check out Peyton's new tractor, she rides it every night!
Got the tongue out, just like Grandpa Doc!

Yes, she drives just like Grandpa Doc too!!

We had a great Christmas!
Christmas Eve I had a positive test!! Peyton is going to be a big sister!!
The BEST Christmas present EVER!!!

Peyton is wearing the Snap-On hat that Dad gave to Cam for Christmas.

She got tons of toys and clothes, holy cow! Thank you!
She opened this gift of clothing from Gina and tried putting it on right away! Goof Ball!
Peyton thought that just maybe, maybe.....Karlee needed some help opening her gift.

Opening gifts at Grandma Berg's, notice the bag on her arm, she has a thing for purses.

Showing her bag off to Grandpa Larry.
Have a good day!


Unknown said...

Woo Hoo Peyton!

Tractor broke, no money!

Ha Ha!

Justin and Elisa said...

Congratulations Erica!!!! That's so exciting! I look forward to hearing all about your upcoming pregnancy in your blog!!! : )

Shelly Pagel said...

Congratulations Erica! Wow-- a baby brother or sister soon : ) Hope your pregnancy goes nice and smooth and you feel good. I just loved being pregnant (who'd thunk huh!)And I LOVE that picture of Peyton standing on the tractor like your dad... it reminds me of my dad too!