Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baby or Toddler?? Toddler....

Over the last few days I am realizing that my baby girl is a toddler, not a baby.
Peyton seems to be saying something new just about everyday. Really, I can't beleive how quickly children learn.
Here is a sample of the variety of things Peyton is saying:
Ma Ma, Da Da, Baby, Thank you, Please, TV, Button, Petie, Puppy, Hot,
Cold, Brrr, Ball and Ga Pa.
There are days where she will say something as clear as can be, it is just amazing how they catch on to this stuff.
Why do you suppose she says "TV" when I can't get her to sit and watch TV for 2 minutes? Seriously, somedays I would just like peace and quiet to go pee and she won't sit and watch "TV" while I pee! It is a good thing, but sometimes, it would be nice to have the distraction.

Last night she was standing on her step stool and she stuck her arms out with pride, like "Ta Da" look at me! Too cute for words, I'm telling you. She does the same look with her sunglasses on, she parades around the house like "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee", you just have to smile.
Of course, the camera is never near when this happens.

It was Jaden's first Birthday on January 3rd. Mom made cupcakes to celebrate and Peyton was pretty sure to take care of that HOT on Jaden's cupcake.
Mom said she leaned over and just blew it out for him.

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