Monday, December 22, 2008's cold outside

Holy cow it is cold outside. Doesn't she look sad? She wanted to play in that snow stuff outside and then she realized it wasn't all that great. My mom took this picture of her a week or two ago, it wasn't even zero on the day she went out to play and she still wasn't up for it.

She is much happier snuggling Miley and Lucky in the warm house!

Just chillin' in Grandpa's chair.
We went to Grandma Rita's for Christmas on Sunday, it was good to see all of my cousins and other family members. You don't realize how much the family is growing until we all try to squish into Grandma's house now. It used to be the adults in the kitchen and the kids at a card table in the living room and now the entire house is full of tables and chairs! I was looking forward to the yummy desert she always makes, oh yeah, I had 2 pieces. MMmm Good!
Merry Christmas!!!

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