Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Fun Round 2

Last weekend I gave Cam the weekend off.
I took the kids to Sever's Corn Maze and left him home alone for a little R&R.

Pony Rides
Sand Art
Face Painting.
She became a Kitty!

She fed every animal that she could get her hand to.
Gutsy little thing.
She didn't like the buffalo, his mouth was a little big and gooey feeling.

Making Corn Angels in the Corn Pit

Air born!

Landing !
Sibling Love

Happy.....he finally figured out that crawling works better than walking.

He was trying to keep his balance.
Little Guy Kept Sinking
It was like quick sand

Who needs leaves, we have corn.

We got home to find this.....

What normal person would consider cutting down a 40 foot cedar tree to be R&R.

Seriously Cam, what is wrong with you?

Can you say work-a-holic?

Hey Mom & Dad ~ Happy 37th Anniversary!

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