Friday, January 15, 2010

I Love My Kids

Tuesday morning the trees in the yard were so pretty. I love it when they get like this.

"I have to go potty mom"
"Okay, hurry up get to the bathroom"
"My take my pants off, ok mommy"
"Ok, hurry up, you don't want to have an accident"
"No, my need my paci, mommy"
"Ok, grab it and hurry up so you don't have an accident"
"Wait, my need that too"
"My need to read mommy!"
"Oh, you are silly"
"No, my Peyton!"
The things we do to get them to go potty.
Some days I feel so close and then the next day I feel like we are getting no where.

Peyton and I made Daddy a cake. She was the first to taste test it.
She rubbed her belly and said "mmmmm mmmmm good"

A little personality from Peyton!

Peyton gave DJ a kiss without even being asked. We just asked her to put her arm around him. Look at the pride in big sisters eyes!

I am laying on the floor right next to DJ in this one, what a good (lucky) shot.

Look at me! I can sit all by myself.
DJ started to sit by himself this week.
He also started rolling over.
And he is actually attempting to get to his knees and move around.
Not wasting any time, that is for sure.
Tomorrow I am taking Peyton to Sesame Street Live, featuring Elmo. She is so excited and I am excited to have a day alone with my little girl.
DJ is spending the day with Gina. Lucky guy!!

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