Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Elmo's World

Lately life has been all about "Elmo's World".

I took Peyton to Sesame Street Live a week ago Saturday.

Just Peyton and I and we had a good time too.

She was looking at the stars on the ceiling. (The lights) She was amazed with the stars, they were imagining they were camping and it was night time.

She was singing and laughing, having a blast.
She actually headed out of her seat and down the aisle to go dance with Elmo.

It was adorable, till she realized she couldn't go up there by him.

Last weekend we were hoping to make it to the monster trucks, but the weather and common sense held us back. So, Cam and I went out for dinner and Grandma and Grandpa Berg partied with the kids for a couple of hours.

Here is a good laugh from DJ. He is getting to be so much fun! He will laugh at you when you walk by to get your attention. He is growing way too fast on me.

Rodeo this weekend with Peyton and Cam!

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