Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree - Oh Christmas Tree

A week ago Sunday we cut down the tree at Hampton Hills.
We had fun finding the "right" tree. Peyton wasn't too sure what to think. She wasn't too interested in decorating the tree, but after the tree was decorated, she became very interested in removing the ornaments. She takes them off of the tree and hands them to me as if she is helping me out, needless to say, most of the ornaments are half way up the tree now.
Out of reach!

Thank goodness she hasn't figured out that there is water under the tree, that would be a whole new battle for me. She loves playing in the dog dish so I could just imagine her excitement if she figures out what is under the tree! Of course I haven't put gifts under there yet either, last Saturday she started unwrapping gifts at Lois' house!
Stinker! She was interested in what Tracie was getting for Christmas.

My mom sent me this picture last week, she is wearing my Uncle Danny's hat. My goodness look at those eyes!
This past weekend we delivered the gifts to our families we helped out. They were very thankful. It always feels good to make a difference in a person's day. Of course the day did not go off without the old saying "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished", I slipped and fell down the stairs of one of the houses. My Tailbone is killing me today!
And my neck and my wrist and my arm. I could go on and on.........
I am sure it looked hilarious.

Where's Peyton??

Is she in the cupboard or what?

Did St. Nick come to any of your houses Saturday night?

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