Monday, December 22, 2008's cold outside

Holy cow it is cold outside. Doesn't she look sad? She wanted to play in that snow stuff outside and then she realized it wasn't all that great. My mom took this picture of her a week or two ago, it wasn't even zero on the day she went out to play and she still wasn't up for it.

She is much happier snuggling Miley and Lucky in the warm house!

Just chillin' in Grandpa's chair.
We went to Grandma Rita's for Christmas on Sunday, it was good to see all of my cousins and other family members. You don't realize how much the family is growing until we all try to squish into Grandma's house now. It used to be the adults in the kitchen and the kids at a card table in the living room and now the entire house is full of tables and chairs! I was looking forward to the yummy desert she always makes, oh yeah, I had 2 pieces. MMmm Good!
Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa's got a Harley!

Saturday we visited Santa at St. Paul Harley. Peyton froze solid when we tried to put her on Santa's lap, so all of us girls got in on the fun. We went to the Mall afterwards and boy was that packed. For the way the economy is "falling apart" people sure are shopping!

Sunday we went to the Berg Family Christmas in Frontenac. Peyton was really good all day, it was nice to see some of the family members that have never met Peyton. We missed Christmas last year, we spent the day in the ER with RSV, Croup, Ear Infection and a 103 temp! This year we made it, whew!

Great Uncle Tony bundled Peyton up in the blanket she got for Christmas.
Have a good week!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree - Oh Christmas Tree

A week ago Sunday we cut down the tree at Hampton Hills.
We had fun finding the "right" tree. Peyton wasn't too sure what to think. She wasn't too interested in decorating the tree, but after the tree was decorated, she became very interested in removing the ornaments. She takes them off of the tree and hands them to me as if she is helping me out, needless to say, most of the ornaments are half way up the tree now.
Out of reach!

Thank goodness she hasn't figured out that there is water under the tree, that would be a whole new battle for me. She loves playing in the dog dish so I could just imagine her excitement if she figures out what is under the tree! Of course I haven't put gifts under there yet either, last Saturday she started unwrapping gifts at Lois' house!
Stinker! She was interested in what Tracie was getting for Christmas.

My mom sent me this picture last week, she is wearing my Uncle Danny's hat. My goodness look at those eyes!
This past weekend we delivered the gifts to our families we helped out. They were very thankful. It always feels good to make a difference in a person's day. Of course the day did not go off without the old saying "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished", I slipped and fell down the stairs of one of the houses. My Tailbone is killing me today!
And my neck and my wrist and my arm. I could go on and on.........
I am sure it looked hilarious.

Where's Peyton??

Is she in the cupboard or what?

Did St. Nick come to any of your houses Saturday night?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas is only 3 weeks away

Ok, every single year it seems to sneak up on me. I always say I will be better prepared and then I find myself saying the same thing I was saying last year!

We cut down our Christmas tree last Sunday, I have pictures, of course. I was planning on posting them in this message and realized the pic's are on the other computer, ugh! So I was looking for my latest and greatest pic's on this computer and came across some older ones that brought back memories. Holy cow, I am reminded once again how incredibly lucky I am to still have my husband around!

These first 2 pictures were of Cam at the Shell Rotella Show in Grand Island, NE back in 2004 (I think, time flies it was 04, I think). Anyway the pictures were taken by an Australian Magazine, these two pictures were published in that magazine, I paid $26 USD per copy for the magazine he was in!!

And then I found these pictures, October 4, 2004 (our first wedding anniversary) he didn't get me anything and to distract me he rolled the truck 2 1/2 times by Johnson Creek, WI! Oh what a night, I will never forget that phone call! Thank God he was okay, I am not sure how he made it, but Thank God he did!

Peyton is becoming her own person more and more. Wow! She said her first fragment this week, I was a little bit over excited. It was "Hi, Da Da"!! I was pretty happy even though I wish it would have been Hi Ma Ma!!!

So where do you suppose she learns stuff like this?

Sitting at the computer like a big girl!

Okay, I have a couple of great pic's my mom took and the pic's of the Christmas Tree adventure. They will be posted next time around, I promise.

This weekend - baking cookies with the Berg gang of women! Looking forward to it.

Sunday, delivering gifts to the families we are sponsoring this year.

Monday - start year end and budget planning for 2009! The next 4 weeks are going to fly by!

Till Next Time!