Monday, September 29, 2008

State Fair

Okay - I said I had some catching up to do. Here are some pictures of Peyton and her cousins at the State Fair this summer.

This first picture is after breakfast in Northfield at the Archer House. Does that look like a proud Grand Ma or what!!

Peyton, Emma and Megan took a tour of the farm. They all got these hats, even though they are the wrong brand, it still was cute to see all of them wearing them.

Planting in the garden - the girls harvested veggies to take to market to sell.

They even milked the cow. It is a neat lesson in what farmers do. They drive tractors to haul hay, they plant veggies, shear wool off the sheep, feed chickens to collect eggs, milk the cow, pick apples and then sell everything to earn money to buy a treat at the store.

Mmmmm - relaxing with a Sweet Martha Cookie - need I say more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking my kiddos to the State Fair! They had a great time - I can tell from the pictures!
