Thursday, September 18, 2008

12 Month Checkup

Peyton had her 12 month checkup on Tuesday (a couple weeks late, I know). She is 29" long and 21 lbs 4 oz. She is in the 35 percentile for length and 51 percentile for weight. She is slowing in her growth, she was in the 75th percentile for height and weight up till now. She passed all the inspections, ha ha. Three shots and a couple tears later, she survived. Shots are a little harder now, she knows what is going on and you get that look and you can't help but feel terrible. I was spoiled by "no shots" at the 9 month appt, now she goes back in October for the first flu shot and then in November for the 2nd flu shot and her 15 month shots. Ugh, more shots! I just feel so bad for her, but I guess she forgets about it pretty quickly, faster than I forget I am sure.
No pictures for this post, although I have a ton I want to post yet. We are going to Mora this weekend, the final pull of the year. Summer is over.


Unknown said...

15 month shots? CRAP! I better get on that. I guess I'll be calling the clinic today to see if Jo needs any shots...

Have a great day! :P

Shelly Pagel said...

I hear ya- shots suck!!! I absolutely hate bringing Henry in for them... but they need them. You are right- I think it's harder on us then them too.. She's such a peanut-- Henry is already 20lbs and he's only 6 months! She looks perfect! : )

EricaBerg said...

Yeah, 15 month shots! I guess I didn't think past 12 months, ugh. Thanks for the compliment Shelly. You are going to enjoy the next 6 months of Henry's life more than you can imagine. They learn so much it is amazing!