Monday, September 29, 2008

State Fair

Okay - I said I had some catching up to do. Here are some pictures of Peyton and her cousins at the State Fair this summer.

This first picture is after breakfast in Northfield at the Archer House. Does that look like a proud Grand Ma or what!!

Peyton, Emma and Megan took a tour of the farm. They all got these hats, even though they are the wrong brand, it still was cute to see all of them wearing them.

Planting in the garden - the girls harvested veggies to take to market to sell.

They even milked the cow. It is a neat lesson in what farmers do. They drive tractors to haul hay, they plant veggies, shear wool off the sheep, feed chickens to collect eggs, milk the cow, pick apples and then sell everything to earn money to buy a treat at the store.

Mmmmm - relaxing with a Sweet Martha Cookie - need I say more.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

12 Month Pic's

Well, Peyton's 12 month pictures are posted at, feel free to check them out. Go to the bottom of the screen and click View My Proofs and then click on Berg 1 Year and the password is peyton. Angie at Afton Woods is supposed to be posting her 3 mo, 6 mo and 9 mo pic's too. They aren't out there as of now. I like her 12 month pictures but I am not jumping for joy. I get better results from JC Penny and I think it is because Penny's doesn't have the big room with all the neat stuff around. In all of her pictures this time at A.W. she seems pre-occupied. She is curious about her surroundings. She kept walking around to play with the props. Let me know which is your favorite from each of the time frames.

Funny story. Last week I went to pick Peyton up at Daycare, Grand Ma's, and she told me this story. My mom has a deck outside her sliding glass door, it is more like a balcony - no steps. Anyway, she leaves that door open when it is nice out. Peyton and the dogs go in and out as they please. On this day, Mom said she just disappeared. She checked the deck and the entire house, yelling her name and no response. I am sure mom was freaking out, so I hope she isn't mad at me for posting this. Anyway, she checked the house and deck like 3 times and even looked over the edge of the deck and she was gone! She started to think about her being kidnapped and then thought to go on the deck one last time. And this is what she found!!!!

She was hiding under the grill!! Mom- I hope you are finding the humor in this post. I really can't imagine the terrible feelings you were having when she was trying to play hide and seek with you. You know we love you!

A couple more cute pictures at Grand Ma Peggy's house:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

12 Month Checkup

Peyton had her 12 month checkup on Tuesday (a couple weeks late, I know). She is 29" long and 21 lbs 4 oz. She is in the 35 percentile for length and 51 percentile for weight. She is slowing in her growth, she was in the 75th percentile for height and weight up till now. She passed all the inspections, ha ha. Three shots and a couple tears later, she survived. Shots are a little harder now, she knows what is going on and you get that look and you can't help but feel terrible. I was spoiled by "no shots" at the 9 month appt, now she goes back in October for the first flu shot and then in November for the 2nd flu shot and her 15 month shots. Ugh, more shots! I just feel so bad for her, but I guess she forgets about it pretty quickly, faster than I forget I am sure.
No pictures for this post, although I have a ton I want to post yet. We are going to Mora this weekend, the final pull of the year. Summer is over.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

She's been everywhere!

A few weeks back, Peyton went racing with Gina and my Mom & Dad. Here are some pics of that weekend with the racers. She has been more places in her first 12 months than I was in my first 20 years! I swear! The races were in Topeka, KS - as for me....I've never been there.

Here is Peyton, in her NEW car seat on the golf cart with Grandma, Lucky and Miley.
Hanging out with Grandpa and Gina between rounds.
Okay, now how do I start this thing??
Bye Bye!! I am going to ride on the front for a round! Forget aerodynamics, I want a view!!
Proud as can be with Aunt Gina.
Play time in the toter home with Lucky and Miley.

Bath time. She fit just perfect in the toter home kitchen sink!
Here she is playing around the ladder to get to the bed. She is holding a ball to play catch with the dogs. Actually I think she plays keep away with them!

All in all, I think she had a blast. This past week I was in Rockford, IL for training. Cam spent 4 nights with Peyton, they got along pretty good. I think I missed them more than they missed me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

MMMMM.......Birthday Cake

Here are a couple of pictures from Peyton's Birthday party yesterday.
She had a really good day and got lots of neat stuff.
Thank you to everyone who joined us, we appreciate you taking time out of your day.
Thanks Mom for all your hard work in baking Peyton's cake and all the other cakes too!!

She wasn't sure what to do with the cake at first, then I gave her a sample off of my finger and she dug right in.
Of course she first took a lick with her mouth and then used her hands. Kelly was taking a video of that first lick, here it is: