Monday, August 4, 2008

Minnesota Zoo

Friday my mom had the day off, so Kelly took Peyton to the MN Zoo with her kids and a couple of her friends and their kids. Peyton had a great day, I can tell by all of the fabulous pictures Kelly took of the kids. They all had a blast.

Emma and Megan are so good to Jo and Peyton - I love this picture of them. Kelly you can take pictures of Peyton whenever you want, I love your pictures!

Peyton and Jo are checking out the fish and dolphins.

Kelly took pictures of Megan walking Peyton all the way around this fountain. I love every picture, especially the one of the back side of them!

These pictures are priceless!! Kelly I hope you don't mind that I am posting them! (I mailed you the disk today) It isn't fair that I get to post your pictures before you do!! But I had to do it!

Wore out and the day was only half done!

After the zoo Kelly took the girls to the Aquatic Park and they all played in the water for a couple hours. Peyton loved the water. She would crawl in the shallow water and she was having a hard time figuring out why on earth her hand wasn't stopping at the water, it would go through the water to the bottom of the pool. She was figuring things out. She likes the fountains too, she had a good time. Any day with her cousins is a good day. I do not have a swimsuit for Peyton, Kelly brought an extra one with her. Thank goodness!

She tried to eat the water coming out of the fountain. I stopped to pick her up after work and I couldn't resist getting in the water with her. She was too cute!


Unknown said...

AWESOME! We'll take her any day! just let us know when....

We had a great time, I think Peyton's favorite part was playing in the huge mirror in the kids playroom at the zoo. She got to crawl around and be FREE! (no stroller)

She also liked looking out the windows on the Tram, watching the world move beneath her feet.


EricaBerg said...

I seen those pictures too, you captured every moment. I have to get going on my scrap book! Before I know it I will be so far behind on it that I won't remember all the good details behind the pictures!