Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gotta Get it Outta My Head

There is so much going on, I gotta get it outta my head.
And you! Lucky you! Get to read it!

Ready! Set! Vent!
Saturday, Peyton snagged her nylons. The first of 2 very difficult to find pair. It is okay, we still have pair #2, especially since she is dancing at the Nursing home this Friday. We are covered.

Sunday, I get a phone call from a long lost business friend, puts a carrot on a string and here we go!

Monday, I think Monday was okay, I may come back to it.

Tuesday, Peyton had dance, I realized how hectic my next days were going to be. Started to try to find some back up assistance as a Mother. No luck, well, not easily. Peyton snagged her nylons, yes, pair #2 now has a 2" hole in the knee, we are no longer covered in the nylon department and my week is jammed full, when will I ever get time to find these things by Friday?

Back to Monday, it was a rainy day, I need a haircut badly (scheduled for Saturday!) and natural curl doesn't go well with rain. That was Monday, oh, yeah, and my boss used me as his scape goat for his argument with his Dad, thanks Man, now I look like the idiot. Appreciate that.

Now on to Wednesday, I have a 4:30 appointment, I have Grandma Lois picking up the kids from daycare so I can make it to my appointment. 4:10 pm, appointment cancelled, hmmm, I am up here already, Peyton needs nylons, should I go get the kids or get the nylons? Appointment wants to reschedule for Thursday, which puts me in a pinch too. Hmmm, go get the nylons. Kohls has them, 2 size too big. I buy them out of desperation. Let's check out Justice, it is right next door. Wow, sweet 40% off the entire store, that feels good, never been in there before. Oh, and if you spend $50 you get $50 in coupons for a later date. Hell, I am on my way to a good deal here! Sweet! They have the right size nylons too, and they are 40% off of the already 40% off. Sweet. Okay, there is some cute stuff in here, might as well treat my girl to some new clothes and get the $50 in coupons. Yep, $100 later (with $105 in savings, I add happily) and $100 in coupons for a later date I am leaving the store. Next, I need sugar, milk and Mountain Dew. Should I stop at the grocery store? Or go get those kids? It is right on the way, I know a short cut, I will run to Rainbow (a store I can't stand). Took the short cut, not even 1/4 mile down the road, BAM, speeding ticket! There goes my $105 in savings at Justice. Crap, get the groceries and get home.

Thursday, check email, 20% off coupon for Kohls, could have used that last night. Appointment cancelled, rescheduled for Monday now (note to self, remember to ask for sitter help on Monday). Don't forget tonight we have ECFE at 6:30 for some St Patty Day fun. And I need pull-ups (for the kids) and a bra, back to Sunday, that broke on Sunday. I am going to attempt to run to Target between 4:30 and 5:30 and make it to Cannon Falls for ECFE withOUT speeding.

Friday, we have Trace Adkins Tickets, Peyton dances at the Nursing Home, all at the same time. Gotta figure that out yet.

Saturday, my 2 hour vacation, getting my hair done at 9 am (Note to self, gotta find a sitter for this) and then attempt to take the kids to Zoo or park in Rochester.

Monday, appointment at 4:30, figure out sitter.

Tuesday, Peyton has Kindergarten Roundup, gotta be there from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Gotta find a sitter for DJ and Peyton will be missing dance.

Tuesday the following week, DJ has Preschool Roundup, gotta find someone to get Peyton to dance so she doesn't miss two weeks in a row. is all out of my head. Well, the parts I am willing to broadcast anyway.

I will give an update on the future stuff in my head, I am sure many things will go wrong between now and then.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention the stink in the house.
Sunday night: something stinks
Monday night: something still stinks, might be propane, bring in the CO2 detector in case the permanent ones aren't working, it isn't going off. Should I call Larry??
Tuesday night: Cam finally smells the stink, he thinks it is a propane leak
Wednesday: start contact to repair man
Thursday: Take a cold shower, can't dry the wet clothes and the house is getting cool.
Thursday: realize the propane tank is empty! Cancel repairman, call Propane man.
Yes, the stink was the end or bottom of the propane tank.

How much to you want to bet I forget to buy a new bra at Target tonight and I walk out with a couple bags full of stuff anyway?

I did manage to take a couple of pictures of Venus and Jupiter, just gotta get them downloaded off the camera for the world to see on the blog, since they can't just look in the sky and see them on their own.

Lotsa love and less stress.

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