Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It has been awhile

 Sesame Street Live was a hit, again. This is Peyton's 3rd year at the show. 
 She was in deep concentration.
Elmo and his fish, it was very important to Tyler to get to see this fish. 

DJ was singing and dancing the entire show.
Peyton has been getting packages in the mail from her Great Aunt Janet in the great state of Texas. 
This is her first one and she was very excited to get mail in general and then she realized that there was actually a jewelry box and jewelry in the package! 
Thank you Aunt Janet!
Who says they do not get along! They snuggle most nights. 
 Showing of their silly hats.
Do you want a big hug?
 Sibling love. 
(I rotated this picture and it still uploaded sideways)
 Ummm.......what is that DJ? 
What are you doing?
 More hugs
Silly faces

Dead Man Walking ~ The Undertaker!
 Cam is belly up to the popcorn bucket
 HHH and Undertaker
 Kelly Kelly, Cam's next ex-wife
 The Big Show
 The dorky guy, can't remember his name. Stupid Funny.

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