Dear Snow ~
In celebration of your melting, we decided to get out the teeter totter and start having some spring time fun. You see, we just weren't ready for 5 full months of you and we really feel you have over stayed your welcome. We aren't the type of people to just up and kick you out when we are sick of you, but we will certainly do our best to act as though you are no longer in our presence. With that said, we are enjoying trips to the Zoo, playing on our teeter totter and swing set. We even spend some time in our playhouse too. We are very sorry for stomping on you in that area where you give us a bunch of water but it seems that when we stomp on you, you tend to turn to water and saturate the ground. This is pretty cool, you know, the more water we get in that area, the more water we will have to make mud pie's. If we are lucky enough we will have enough water that we can cast our lines and hope for some tad poles. Or I guess we could just try to get each other stuck in it too. Regardless, we have plans and our plans do not involve you for at least another 9 months or more. Please don't be upset with us, we just need to move on.
Bye Bye,
Love, The Bergs
Wait a minute.....
Where is DJ?
Where is DJ?
From a distance........ "poop........poop"
Oh! There he is! On the toilet. Fully dressed but on the toilet.
He gets it, just doesn't fully get it.
He even grabbed toilet paper and wiped.
So the part he doesn't get.........he shouldn't have a diaper, pants and snow pants on in order to go poop on the potty.
Oh well, it is a start.
Huh, it is really sticky, this snow......
Because it is melting! Ha Ha ha ha Ha!
Bye Bye Snow!
He says "Cold!"
Got that right, but it is melting!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ~ See Ya Snow!
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