Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If I had a Million Dollars.......

I'd quit my job and spend every waking moment with my family.
Time is getting away from me.
So, looks like I haven't posted in, ohh, 3 weeks.

Peyton ~ Even though I can't break her of that Nuk, she is now driving.
This is her pull truck.

She parks it right next to her Daddy's pull truck.

She is also planting flowers.

She came into the house and told me

"Mommy, lookit, I panted fowers"

Oh yes, she picked them from the flower bed and transplanted the flower to the barrels by the house.

We planted her own pots of flowers, I guess they weren't growing quick enough for her.

We also planted the garden too!

April 16th - 18th the boss sent all of us girls to Las Vegas. Can you believe it, I went to Vegas and didn't put a penny in a machine or on a table.

We stayed at the Planet Hollywood. They gave away our rooms, so we were upgraded to Suites on the Penthouse level. Nice!!

Silly tourist! I tried to get the girls to lighten up and have some fun so I ran up to this guy and told the girls to take my pic. Of course he whispered to me "I would appreciate a minimum of $1 tip for the picture" Silly tourist, nothing is free!

I didn't tell the girls that the last guy wanted a buck, so they all jumped at the chance to get the pic with Elvis. Well Elvis said, "thanks Ladies, I would appreciate a $5 tip". Silly tourists!! Nothing is free!!

Except the Vegas Showgirl pic at the Flamingo. She did that one for free for me.

Elvis gave us a bus tour of the city. We were on the top of a double decker and the weather was perfect. That was the first time in all my travels to Vegas that I did a tour like this. It was actually pretty fun.

Elvis sang throughout the entire tour.

Gotta love the water shows.
No matter how many times you have seen them, they never get old.

Joey and Rory were onstage when we went through downtown on the tour bus.
Miranda Lambert played that night too.
The CMA's were that same weekend.
No, I didn't find George Strait and believe me, I tried!!
I missed my kids and my husband, however, it was nice to be away too!
Of course, when I got home on Sunday, DJ had broke his first tooth through! Of course!! When Mom isn't home. Now there are two chompers in that little mouth of his and today is his 9 month birthday!! Wow.
I have tons more pictures to post of the kids, but I will have to wait till next time.
DJ is going in for his 9 month appointment tomorrow.
He is doing the army crawl, he prefers to stand, so I don't think it will be long before he is walking.
Guess what!!
L&L got to see Ty last Thursday!!
I just hope we get to see him this weekend now!
Patience will always pay off. May be a lot of heartache in the journey, but we will get there.
I love my family, all of my family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?)

Now I have that song stuck in my head!

Will P come plant my garden too? I want some gerber daisy's in my flower pots....