Monday, April 13, 2009

Special Delivery

Jeg's delivered this cute little kid to us last week!
Saturday we went to the MN Zoo to see the farm babies, all sorts of special deliveries!
Peyton loved the baby pigs, chicks and calves.

She tried to climb up into this baby chick pen ~ I don't think the parents around me were happy, but we had fun!

Whoa!! That orange chicken makes loud noises!! (Rooster)

Leaning in to hear the next announcement from the Rooster.

"See Piggy's, See Piggy's" is all she would say as I took her away from them crying.

She tried climbing through the fence to get to the baby calves too.

Yes, there was a good 5 ft. gap between this fence and the calves pens.

She was able to pet one of the adult cows, she liked to play with that longer hair between the ears. Again, parents around me looked at me as though she was in danger or something.
Holy crap, get out of the city once!!

Didn't much care for the goats or lambs.

The Easter Bunny delivered a basket to her car, it had "Me Me's" in it (M&M's). She also got a book, stickers and a movie from us.
Thanks to both Grandma's, Gina and Aunt Holly too, they all spoil her.

Horsey rides on Aunt Holly!

Have a great week! I know I will, I am driving the Mustang! If it snows, I will be hiding from Cam, because he will say "I told you so"!

Can't wait to have dinner with a couple of my D&T friends tonight!

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