Monday, April 27, 2009

Somebody has been sleeping in my bed....... I will take the toy box.

After a hard morning of playing outside Peyton was ready for a nap. She usually will play a little bit after eating lunch and then go down for a nap. But Saturday the only playing with toys she did was to clean out some of that toy box so she could fit in there. She has her 2 blankies under her along with a layer of toys. The annoying part about this, she was laying on a toy that made noise, every time she moved just a little bit that darn thing would go on and on for 5 minutes and finally shut off.

Cam got carpet in the bus this weekend, along with the Bostrom drivers seat, couch, lazy boy and tool box. He worked hard all weekend getting the inside finished up, speakers, lighting and on and on. Now on to the flat bed and paint the whole thing. I will have to get an interior picture on here next time around.

We pull in River Falls the 16th of May, okay, that only gives us 2 weekends to get the pull truck and bus finished up. Happens every year, no matter how hard you try to be proactive, it always comes down to the last minute and mother nature's cooperation.

Looking for 2 more chairs to put in the bus, if you see any decent ones on garage sales, let me know!!

The young man in my tummy is kicking like crazy. You can feel him on the outside now (for the last couple weeks). I go in for the gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning, mmmmm, the yummy drink and hour wait. I can't believe how quickly time is passing.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Bus II

Mmmm.....Cheeseburger and Apple Juice, hangin' out with Mom and Petie.
So I went to work on Friday, Cam had the day off. He was supposed to be working on the bus he sold to Joel and I get home to get ready for the Sugarland concert, here he was standing in HIS bus with the back half of the roof chopped off!
Sugarland was great! Billy Currington was good too, but he didn't look like he was having fun, so that kind of ruined it a little.

So, I didn't get a picture of the bus before he chopped it!! Ugh! Saturday morning I stepped out of the house with the camera and this is what I got.

Arrived home an hour later, this is what I got.

And then, within minutes.....

Peyton decided to deliver popcorn to Cam and Larry. They each got 1 piece!

She loves to help out in the garage. Here she is bouncing on a 4x8 sheet of steel.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Special Delivery

Jeg's delivered this cute little kid to us last week!
Saturday we went to the MN Zoo to see the farm babies, all sorts of special deliveries!
Peyton loved the baby pigs, chicks and calves.

She tried to climb up into this baby chick pen ~ I don't think the parents around me were happy, but we had fun!

Whoa!! That orange chicken makes loud noises!! (Rooster)

Leaning in to hear the next announcement from the Rooster.

"See Piggy's, See Piggy's" is all she would say as I took her away from them crying.

She tried climbing through the fence to get to the baby calves too.

Yes, there was a good 5 ft. gap between this fence and the calves pens.

She was able to pet one of the adult cows, she liked to play with that longer hair between the ears. Again, parents around me looked at me as though she was in danger or something.
Holy crap, get out of the city once!!

Didn't much care for the goats or lambs.

The Easter Bunny delivered a basket to her car, it had "Me Me's" in it (M&M's). She also got a book, stickers and a movie from us.
Thanks to both Grandma's, Gina and Aunt Holly too, they all spoil her.

Horsey rides on Aunt Holly!

Have a great week! I know I will, I am driving the Mustang! If it snows, I will be hiding from Cam, because he will say "I told you so"!

Can't wait to have dinner with a couple of my D&T friends tonight!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wanna Kiss??

Leave her alone for 5 seconds while you put your shoes on.......this is what you get.
Hopefully getting her hair cut this week!
She and Petie waited outside for me while I put my shoes on.
Do you think she is like her Dad??
This is our front door, it is all glass, imagine the finger print and smudge possibilities!
I will be cleaning that window a lot this summer!!
Have a great week!
I am looking forward to Farm Babies at the MN Zoo this weekend and, of course, Easter Sunday!