Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Bryce

Peyton really likes her uncle Bryce, so much that I wonder if she would prefer to go with him rather than me if she had the choice.
Last weekend she was able to play with Bryce at our house for a little while.
I am pretty sure they spend a little time together every morning at daycare. Wink, Wink.
This time it was on Peyton's turf and she let him know who was boss. Every now and then she snuck him a kiss to keep him playing along.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend, worked in the garage most of the weekend, getting ready for pulling. Actually Peyton and I played in the garage while Grandpa Larry and Cam worked. I did get some cleaning done upstairs, eventually we are going to have to move up there and use our 3 bedrooms to live in rather than storage rooms.
I sense another garage sale coming up.


Unknown said...

Can I have an Uncle Bryce of my very own? Horsey Rides!

EricaBerg said...

It was pretty funny to watch. Every time I tried to get a picture of the kisses, I would miss it, those were too cute.