Monday, March 30, 2009

Meet the Newbie

Ok, I finally scanned a couple pic's from the ultrasound on the 18th of March.

These tiny little feet measured 1" long, 1"!

Thinking hard, already. He is nothing like his Dad!!

Peyton loves this nightie, after her bath, we put the "dress" on and she headed for the entry way, grabbed her winter boots, got one of them on and the other required Dad's help. She then proceeded to pace the kitchen as a model would do. After the cat walking was done, she headed to the tractor to get some work done. This pose is when I asked her to smile for me, she was being a smart alec!

Congrats to Joe, Amanda and Ella! Evan finally decided to leave mommy's warmth and try out the lovely MN weather! Can't wait to meet the little guy!!


Justin and Elisa said...

Beautiful ultrasound pictures!

Shelly Pagel said...

Oh I love ultrasounds-- the feet are the best! Hope things are going well