Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How do YOU eat an Oreo?

Step 1: Climb on Dad's "easy chair" when he is not looking
Step 2: Find Dad's Oreo's that are hidden on the table by the "easy chair"
Step 3: Start to take Oreo out of package, once Mom realizes what is going on she will help me get it out, since she doesn't want me to take all of them....sneaky turd.
Step 4: Work vigorously to get the 2 cookies separated
Step 5: With any luck the frosting is all on one side, but double check both cookies for any evidence of frosting.
Step 6: Yell "Petie"
Step 7: Toss the side of the cookie without frosting to Petie
Step 8: Clean ALL of the frosting off of the other side of the cookie
Step 9: Continue to double check for any frosting that may have been missed
Step 10: Take one last lick to be sure all frosting is gone
Step 11: Yell for Petie if he actually left, which is doubtful being he knows the next step
Step 12: Toss the frosting free but gooey cookie to Petie
Step 13: Try for another, but Mom is hard to get past a 2nd time

I snapped a couple pic's of this process last night. She doesn't look so good, she hasn't been feeling well, but I still had to post it.
I asked Cam:
How do YOU eat an Oreo
He Answered:
All at once


Unknown said...

Ha Ha! Jo eats 'em that way too!

Get better soon Peyton!

Shelly Pagel said...

She's a smart girl!! : )