Here are some pictures of Peyton on Halloween night. We just visited the Grandparents Nicolai and Berg. She had fun but she was wiped out after just 2 houses! In the picture above, she got out of the truck and walked right up to my Mom & Dad's door, candy bucket in hand and all. It was too cute for words. This is the pumpkin my mom carved.
She didn't know what to think of that wig, she took it off of me within 1 minute.
Check out Mom's new tile floor!!
Check out this laugh, I tried and tried to get a good one on tape and this is the best I could get. She does a pretty good devil laugh.
Think SNOW! I am ready for it!!!
I didn't think snow...but my kids did! And it's here!!
Love the laugh! *does dhe get that from mom, or dad? hmm...*
Peyton loved it this morning- she was surprised but held both arms up and laughed and it landed on her face. I should have got the camera out!!
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