Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So Big!

Peyton is doing the "So Big" trick by herself now. When I say "So Big" she raises her hands as high as they can possibly go! It is really cute. Grand Ma Peggy taught her that trick! Check out this picture of her, I have been avoiding the Nuk whenever I can, just to get her used to going without it. I took it away from her while she was playing the other day and then walked into the kitchen to do some cleaning. I caught her crawling out of the living room and into the kitchen with the top of her Tupperware Kool Aid pitcher in her mouth. Creative and smart little girl, she improvised and made her own Nuk!

We pulled in Taylor, WI on Friday night. This isn't a very good picture, I took it at like 11 PM, the pull went pretty late. Peyton absolutely loves going to the pulls. Cam got 2nd place in the light and heavy class. The truck is still in one piece ~ Way To Go Cam ~ all that hard work paid off over the last couple of weeks. Last night we walked down to the bus to grab a couple of things and Peyton went crazy, she wanted to get in the bus to go pulling. I think we definitely have a motor head on our hands. My goal in the next couple of weeks is to get a picture of the bus and loaded trailer posted, I completely forgot to take one last weekend and then when I remembered........it was way too dark outside. We seen our Friends the Olson's and the Shaw's at the pull too, it was nice to catch up with them. Peyton got busted sharing some ice cream with her Grandpa Berg at the pull, they were off under a tree, but we found them! Clayton, WI on Saturday the 14th!

1 comment:

Sara said...

It is so precious that Peyton created her own Nuk! Smart little girl she is! I remember when I threw out the Nuks, Maggie was 15 months old. Three nights were terrible, she cried and cried and cried, but after that, she did great. I didn't cave and give her a Nuk those evenings because I called a girlfriend for support!
Way to go Cam!!