So....I was checking out a fave site of mine and entered a contest. In order to enter the contest you had to mention a song that takes you back with a good memory. So I started thinking and smiling and thinking and smiling and thinking and laughing and thinking that I really should post this on the blog to see if I can spark some more smiles.
Here goes nothing:
1) Fun, Fun, Fun-Beach Boys: I am pretty sure I can still do the entire dance that we choreographed for this one!
2) If you really wanna know, what I want in a guy, well I am lookin' for a dream on a mean machine with hell in his eyes - need I say more!!!! (are you singing the rest of it??)
3) Hangin' Tough - NKOTB baby!: Didn't miss a single concert and I am wondering if Donnie Wahlberg is upset that I married Cam instead of him! (Shelly-Brendon may be mad too!)
4) Straight Up - Paula Abdul: I can still picture myself acting out this video downstairs at mom and dads.
5) Barbara Ann and Rockin' Robin - We had a path from the roller skates downstairs, doing the full circle!
6) Baby Got Back - Sir Mix A Lot: Okay, I admit I still crank the radio when KDWB randomly plays this one and I still remember every word. Johnny Holm sings it every year at Rose Days in Kenyon and I go crazy, Cam gets a bit embarrassed.
7) Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi: Gina worked the diner all day........
8) All I wanna do - Sheryl Crow: My first Mustang, I think of it every time I hear this song.
9) You Never Even Called Me By My Name - David Allan Coe: Cam, oh my, many memories that go with this song, this is another one that can't be played unless it is ALL the way up (mud racing, cruisin, bon fires, truckin and on and on.....Cam I love you)
10) East Bound and Down - Jerry Reed: reminds me of Cam too, he loves the Smokey and the Bandit movies and of course this song can only be played at max level and you get teased if you don't know the words
11) Swingin' - John Anderson: okay, us Huebsch girls danced and sang this one in the Outback Steakhouse parking lot in Eau Claire, WI one night as loud as we possibly could, I love this song.
12) Anything oldies reminds me of going to car shows with mom and dad (Pretty Woman, My 409, Beep Beep, The Name Game, Kokomo)
13) Feed Jake - Sawyer Brown: Riding around with Grandma Rita in her HUGE blue car about 25 years ago, she would sing this song the same way I sing Baby Got Back, she belts it. I remember just watching her in awe, we named our dog Jake, I miss him. I could go on and on....I hope I was able to spark a memory for one or two people.
On to Peyton. I noticed in my post yesterday that it looks like Karlee got the Doll house....Karlee and her sisters gave Peyton the doll house. Peyton loves it. Last night she got mad at me when I took her away from it.
I also forgot to give the update from her 9 month appt. No Shots!! She is 19 lbs. 13.5 ozs. 27 3/4 inches long. She is in about the 70th to 75th percentile for everything. She looks good and healthy, she passed her inspection. And she got her 3rd tooth last night!
Way To Go, Peyton!
We are pulling Friday night in Taylor, WI! New rear end, fixed Transfer Case and fixed transmission...Now a different use of "way to go". Way To Go Cam! Way......To.......Go....literally.
..we are ready....well it isn't put together yet but Cam is up every night working on it, listening to XM Radio, relaxing in his shop (yeah..he calls workin on the pull truck, relaxing).
Some people have asked why I have Way To Go for the Blog name. Way To Go can be used in so many ways and Cam and I take full advantage of it....kind of have fun with it. Just like
"Whatta Ya Do?"
All for Now - enjoy the week and let me know if you have any good songs and memories you want to point out......if you made it to the end of this LONG post!
Love Ya!
She is crawling and showing off how she can click her tongue.