Monday, May 19, 2008

How the First Pull Went

Oops, I forgot to mention in my post for the week about how the first pull of the season went. It went pretty good. Of course there was some wreckage but Cam was very happy with how the truck ran. The motor sounded good so of course now we are finding the weaker points in the truck, such as the shaft on the T-case and the Transmission. I am probably using the wrong language for what broke, all I know is Cam showed it to me and it sheered or twisted right off......must be makin' some power to do that! Anyway.....donations for the Berg Motorsport Pulling Team can be sent to 6489 County 9 Blvd - Cannon Falls, MN!!! Of course, I was so excited with having Peyton at the pull and wanting to see how the truck ran that I didn't get any pictures, I have it on video. Till next week.....enjoy the weather!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Peyton!

Smile BIG today!

I can't wait to see the 9 month pictures....
