Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Karlee!!

Happy 1st Birthday Karlee Jo!!

May 30th my niece Karlee is 1!! Peyton is 9 months!!

They are exactly 3 months apart!

Here are a couple of pictures of Peyton. We go tomorrow for her 9 month photo shoot! It should be fun. A couple of the pictures she is helping out with the pull truck, she loves the pull truck! She got to clean the spoon for the frosting on the cake I made. And of course a picture of her sleeping with Daddy, they bond every morning. I also posted a picture of our crab apple tree in full bloom. Some people didn't believe me on the size of this tree, so I had to post it to prove it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

How the First Pull Went

Oops, I forgot to mention in my post for the week about how the first pull of the season went. It went pretty good. Of course there was some wreckage but Cam was very happy with how the truck ran. The motor sounded good so of course now we are finding the weaker points in the truck, such as the shaft on the T-case and the Transmission. I am probably using the wrong language for what broke, all I know is Cam showed it to me and it sheered or twisted right off......must be makin' some power to do that! Anyway.....donations for the Berg Motorsport Pulling Team can be sent to 6489 County 9 Blvd - Cannon Falls, MN!!! Of course, I was so excited with having Peyton at the pull and wanting to see how the truck ran that I didn't get any pictures, I have it on video. Till next week.....enjoy the weather!

She is Crawling!

Finally! She has figured out crawling. Last week my Mom told me that she was crawling on three instead of four. Then on Thursday when I picked Peyton up after work my Mom showed me and sure enough.....she was CRAWLING!! I almost cried when she did it, she is growing up on me and I am not ready for it. Now I really have to Peyton proof the house, she is already getting into things that I didn't think of. She also learned to click her tongue off the roof of her mouth, she thinks that is pretty cool. She went pulling with us on Saturday and she absolutely loved it. She was in a great mood all day. She was talking and laughing with all of us, just like she was trying to make conversation and hang out with us. It is becoming very noticeable how much she is trying to do the same things we do and it is really cute to watch. She met her Great Aunt Carol Berg for the first time this weekend too. She wasn't sure what to think at first but by the end of the day she was laughing and carrying on conversation with Carol. I bought Carol's dining room set from her this weekend, it is quite a bit nicer than what I have now. I am excited to get it in the kitchen.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I couldn't resist - I had to snap some pictures of Peyton with the Tulips. I was curious to see what she thought of the flowers......turns out she had more fun playing in the dirt with her toes.

She is standing up whenever she gets the opportunity, I caught her in the act. Notice her nuk is upside down, she isn't too picky about anything and besides ~ she was concentrating.

Monday, May 12, 2008

More Baptism Pictures

Peyton is modeling her cool dress, Cam is busy grilling and Emma was working hard delivering stuff to Cam, opening gifts, Peyton and her yummy strawberry cake, and the last picture is Grand Ma Lois, Godmother Holly, Erica, Peyton, Godmother Gina and Grand Ma Peggy.

Baptism & Mothers Day

Peyton was Baptized yesterday at Urland Lutheran Church (just down the road from our house). She was a ham, she started talking while the Pastor was doing the Baptism and she kissed Cam while he was holding her. The people loved it. She made her mark in their hearts already. We had a BBQ for Mothers Day after the Baptism, it was a very nice day. Cam grilled a ton of meat and it was delicious! I posted a few pics from the great day. Grand Ma Peggy made her beautiful dress with a matching blanket and Grand Ma Lois made the delicious cake! They both have great talents that I am a little jealous of. I will post more pics of the fun day.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Second Chomper - Bye Bye

Peyton has a cool new swing at my moms house, she loves it! It is a race car, just like Aunt Gina! It even has Gina's number on it 5513! Go 5513!!! My mom took this picture of her on Tuesday and sent it to me. She is wearing a Harley Davidson onsie she got from Doug and Sandra, it says "If you can read this, the bib fell off" it is pretty cute.

Okay - I am learning real fast that Peyton is growing up way too quickly. "Da Da" on Friday, then Monday she started waving Bye Bye and then Tuesday her second tooth came in and then Wednesday I tried to get her to say "Da Da" and she says "Ma Ma" and then when I say "Ma Ma" she says "Da Da" and Wednesday night she was waving Bye Bye again - you should have seen the melting moment. She was adorable! Larry and Lois stopped out on their way home from a wake and they said bye bye a few times and she wouldn't budge, then when they walked away, she waved with her whole arm and when they turned around she did bye bye with just her hand, oh my, it was a moment that I am sure nobody will forget. She is pulling herself up more and more now, she is frustrated with the crawling idea so she is just moving on to the standing up idea instead. Well I will leave you with this, until tomorrow when I find she is doing something else new.

Monday, May 5, 2008

"Da Da"

Ready for Pullin season to start - She is 8 months and saying "Da Da". We went to KFC for dinner Friday night and Cam walked away to load up at the buffet, she yelled "Da Da Da Da"! Now she says it constantly and I am starting to get a little jealous! Peyton will stand up holding onto anything, she loves to stand. Crawling is a work in progress, I am thinking walking is going to happen before crawling.j I am glad I did the garage sale for another day, I got rid of a bunch more stuff and met a lot of my neighbors too. Saturday the pool went bye bye. A guy Cam works with was happy to take it away, his kids will love it and his wife will hate taking care of it! I am sure I will miss it on those really hot days, but that is it and once I spray off with the hose, I will be fine. So we changed the hole from the pool into a pond, Cam moved rock all day for me on Sunday! I love that man! Of course I think his muscles are paying dearly today. Hopefully he will get his motor this week! Dyno Thursday and install on Friday......maybe dig the garden Saturday....then Baptism and Mothers Day BBQ on Sunday. Uh oh, I just realized how much I have going on this week! I need a hair cut too~

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Vote For Peyton!!

Hey Everyone!! Take a second to follow this link: - One of Peyton's photo's by her AWESOME photographer was chosen for the Image of The Month contest. Take a second to go out to the site and vote for image #1. If she wins, I get a huge portrait of this shot.

Thanks! Have all your friends vote too!!!

Check out my Slide Show!