Friday, December 23, 2011

Recitals, Christmas Programs and Stitches

Daddy and Brother waiting patiently for Peyton's recital to begin.
There is something about my little boy proudly wearing his Daddy's hat that makes me smile.
 Okay, sideways, but what isn't in this family?? Right?!?!
This is her pose she gave before the recital.
 And........stiff as a rock. No movement at all.
Unless you count putting her fingers into her mouth.....she did manage to do that.
 Still reaction....nothing.
Now this leads up to the question......
Should I keep her in dance? She likes it, she says, but she never participates.
 I have to admit, this is the only picture I have of Peyton with Santa. Nice shot!
Her backside, his outsides, whatever works, I guess.
 Peyton had her Christmas Party at Preschool. I spent the day with her. Don't worry, when it came time to sing and perform, she did nothing, so you didn't miss much.
 Decorating cookies at the Party.
 Making her wreath
 Putting puzzles together
 Spelling her name and counting the dots on the dice
Oh, yeah, by the way.......
My son thinks he can fly!
He told me "I was flying Momma!" "Got hurt really bad, yeah, bad!"
His first two stitches. I am sure they will not be the last.
Yes, for the first time ever, I almost passed out in the room while they were doing stitches.
Peyton had to take care of me.
It got to the point of not being able to see, I could only hear the voices.
She talked to me and rubbed my head while I held DJ's hands in comfort.
Poor guy had no idea that Mom was in worse shape than he was.
I couldn't see!

Words to live by:
Live each day in the moment
Be sure the moment includes everyone you love
Make decisions for you and your family, not just yourself.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This is how memories are made

We took the kids up to Phalen Park to check out the lights. It is such a cool display.
The kids were so excited to see them this year compared to last year.

This one was Peyton's favorite. The prince is putting the red slipper on the princess and Tinkerbell flies through the air from one castle to the next.

And.....we have snow!!
Of course Cam had to try it out too!

Tyler took DJ down for his first time sledding.

DJ loved it!

He went down himself the rest of the time.

He yelled "Weeeeeeee Weeeeeee" the whole way down the hill, every time.

Kind of like that commercial with that pig in the backseat hanging his head out the window saying "Weeeee Weeee Weeee".

Cam took Peyton down for her first trip, with the help of Tyler for some extra speed.

This is the first year that Peyton liked sledding.

All the years past she cried and wanted to go in the house.

She was laughing so hard.

The almighty Berg Christmas tree selection.

Peyton picked hers out!

Just her size.

We will be back for him in a few more years. He needs to grow some more.

And......the selection has been made. is down for the count.

Check out those muscles!

Good job guys!

DJ had to show his muscles a little more.

And this is how memories are made!

Pretty cool sequence huh?

I love my camera.

Thanks Tom for the tickets to the game.

Even though they lost, it was fun.

My first Vikings game.