Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Peyton

Today Peyton is 4.
It was 4 years ago that you so quickly entered this world.
If Dad wouldn't have driven 90 mph to the hospital you have have been born in the car.

Four years later, time is passing just as fast as your arrival and you are as quick as your Daddy to share your thoughts and comebacks.

You make us all laugh. We love you so much.

You sure do love to pose.

No boyfriends this year. Whew!

Ya Hoo! A Hello Kitty Movie!

Grandpa kept trying to take your Hello Kitty lunch box. Man, if looks could paralyze, Grandpa would have been at his knees a couple of times.

Almost got it!

Just about out of the picture. Nah, he was busted.

The kids loved the treasure hunt in the sawdust and even the adults joined in.

Landon had more fun putting the sawdust all over him rather than grabbing candy.

Okay, now there are three adults scoping things out.

Bullet got her Bling from the sawdust pile!

Okay, the pull string pinata was supposed to be fun and safer than hitting it. Peyton got it on the first string, not so much fun for everyone else..........

Ummm.......Bryce........Can you pull your socks up?

Wow! The Dora Guitar! That is all I ever wanted!

This girl has been asking for the Dora guitar for about 9 months.

Every time we went to Target: "Can I get the Dora Guitar for my Birthday??"

"Thank you Daddy for the Dora Guitar"

A proud parent!

Wheelin' through the sawdust
She almost tipped over a couple of times.

A couple of teaser pictures for you

A wise man once said "Don't stand with your hands in your pockets while other men are working"

Wise man now has his hands in his pants.

The pillar, the pile, whatever you want to call it.

More posing.

Grandma snuck into this one.

Cow!?! Where?!?!

Thank goodness for the animal sounds app on the phone!

Uh Oh!

Pulling must have started!

Do they look disappointed the pulling started and they have to put the animal sounds app away?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A couple of days off

Gransburg, WI. The pass off. Poor DJ didn't want to leave his Daddys side but he had to go pulling.

We visited the Burnet County Fair in Grantsburg WI while Cam was getting ready to pull.

What the........who has the camera?
Ahh....who knew she could work a camera

Hey, I made it up that thing!

Notice I am one kid short? Poor DJ was scared to death, more so at the fact that he kept falling over every time I took a step because I moved the balloon around enough for him to lose his balance. He would have been better off in that thing without me!

Ya Hoo! In the Dragon!

DJ loved the train ride. Peyton was bored after about the 10th lap.

Rock climbing at the Teddy Bear Park in Stillwater, MN

I forgot the sunblock so we spent quite a bit of time in the shade. Way to go Momma!

Do you see it? Imagination! He is a spider on the web.

Oh No! Peyton! Don't jump from that high!!

Too Late! She jumped.
And landed.

Wow, she is growing up on me. I thought fear would have set in and she would have never jumped from that high.

Ok, look at me and smile.

This is what I get.

DJ is trying to hug the bear and Peyton is posing.
Fine, wave to me then.

I got the wave but no eye contact.

Oh Wow! DJ you can do it!

He would have never done this a day ago.

But I certainly wasn't going to the top of that tree house thing to help him down.

A little encouragement and a whole lot of fear in his eyes.......


Made it.......

Now he has it mastered.


Hmmmmm........I wonder if I can conquer this one too???


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday Fun

Sunday we got the family together to celebrate DJ and Kahlan's 2nd birthday. What a gorgeous day it was.

We were all enjoying some relaxation and conversation and here DJ is telling Kahlan to "Get over here" "Work" "Hurryup". He made her carry over wood to the fire ring.
Even at 2 they work together pretty good, lugging the wood to the fire ring just so Cam can put it right back in the wood pile later.

Every time Kahlan threw a log in she would run the other way and head for the swingset and DJ would holler at her and tell her to get back over to the wood pile and carry more wood to the fire.

Look out Peyton!

Even Landon headed down the slip n slide

Making it look easy

Jo wasn't so sure about the water at the end, but still did it again.

Kahlan is trying to get the balloon that went high up into the sky.

The sawdust is where we hid candy and money for the kids to dig for.

Whoa, airplane!

A computer.......buttons!

Checking out the cake.

I can't wait to get my sisters pictures.

DJ grabbed a spoon from the drawer and took a scoop of frosting from the front of the cake.

In order to avoid getting caught he put the dirty spoon back in the drawer.

Realizing that the frosting was yummy.......we had the opportunity to catch it on film.

Kelly grabbed her camera while DJ headed back to the drawer for another spoon, unknowingly, Lois handed him a new spoon and away he went. A second scoop of frosting, dirty spoon put back in the drawer and some good photos. The whole room was laughng.

Peyton sampled the haystacks that were made for the farm themed party.

Check out the cool cake and the fish eye effect on my camera.

Peyton walked out of the room yesterday looking like this.

I said: Peyton, where are you going?

Peyton: Hi, I am going Harley Davidson'ing

I said: Really!? With Who?

Peyton: Um, Bullet is going Harley Davidson'ing and I am going to go with her

Do you think kids are persuaded by their surroundings?

I wonder if Bullet has a tu tu like that?!?!?