Have you ever took a walk in your siblings shoes?
Have you ever made a change that made you feel like a whole new person?Have you ever had something just inches within reach?
Have you ever hand fed an animal?
Have you ever had a simple hug make you feel so good?
Have you ever danced in the rain?
Have you ever told someone you love them just because you want them to know?
Have you ever thanked someone for holding the door for you?
Have you ever held on to something that you shouldn't?
Have you ever forgave someone for making a mistake?
Have you ever wandered back and realized how lucky you really are?
Have you ever shown appreciation for those that helped you along the way?
Have you ever had breakfast in bed? (Me neither, the dog ate it)
Instead of wishing you could be in someone else's shoes all your life.....
Enjoy the life you have.....
We all spend too much time comparing ourselves to our neighbors and our peers, we forget how good we really have it and we miss the opportunity to enjoy every moment.
Live in the moment, it may be your last.
Don't worry about what they are doing.
Put your efforts into yourself.
You may be surprised with the results.