Thursday, June 24, 2010

DJ'S first wheels!

Hey, at least she is going on the toilet!

Check out DJ's new ride!
He loves it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I still call her Baby Peyton

Peyton planted these flowers all by herself.
Picked out the pot
Picked out the flowers
Brought them home and planted them
She is growing up on me, but I still call her "Baby Peyton"

Baby Peyton is teaching DJ all the fun stuff already!

They both look so proud to be up where DJ shouldn't be.
Check out those gorgeous smiles!!
I love all of them.

DJ is moving from one end of the house to the other, via his feet!!
He still needs support, but it won't be long and he will be fully mobile. Sound asleep

Hmmm....must be a good dream??

Whoa, she must be a hotty!

Winding the clock.

Her first fair ride, alone.
This was in Taylor, WI.
We snuck over to the fair that Cam was pulling at.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


A couple weeks ago Cam took us on a picnic to the Mississippi River.
The kids loved it!
Can't you tell by the pictures?

Peyton took the camera from me, this is what she did.

Pretty good aim for a 2 year old.

This summer is going to fly by.

Pulling is in full swing. We are having fun.