Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Landon = Happy with Grandpa Larry

DJ and Grandpa Doc

DJ & Kahlan ~ Cousins
Only 1 week difference!

Baby Blue Eyes

Peyton and Jo ~ Cousins
Only 3 months difference
How do you get these things to work??
I found one!

Daddy: "Peyton, you need to start listening to Mommy. You can't pull DJ's hair, he was sleeping"
Peyton: Laughs
Daddy: "No, it is not funny, I am not laughing!"
Peyton: Climbs onto Cam's lap, puts her hands up to his cheeks "Daddy are you mad?"
Daddy: "Yes, I am"
Peyton: Gives Cam a big hug and "I love you Daddy"
Daddy: "I love you too, but you have to listen to Mom"
Peyton: Gives Cam a kiss and........
it is all over, she won, Daddy is now wrestling on the floor with her.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Peyton is growing up on me.

Peyton was proud as a peacock after she got some new shoes and clothes from Grandma B.

Please note: the flower carpet is GONE!!

She looked so grown up in those shoes and that shirt, It almost made me cry.

She got a new blanky too!!

We made caterpillars last weekend while DJ and Cam were still sleeping.

She did a pretty good job.

It got to the point where she was pulling stuff of so she could put more glue on.

She liked the glue.