Thursday, December 17, 2009


We went to the bank last weekend and SURPRISE! Santa was there. I didn't know it. Peyton was so excited, we walked in and she was sleeping, by the time I set her down to take her jacket off she was wide eyed and whispering "santa claus". She was amazed, it was really him. Of course, she stiffened like a rock when I tried to put her on his lap!!
DJ had his 4 month appointment last week. He weighs 18 lb s 13 oz. 26" long.

He is in the 97th percentile for weight and 85th percentile for height. The doctor said "he is a 4 month old in a 9 month old body"! My little "spud" or "sprout" whichever you want to call him.

Christmas at Grandma Regenschieds this Sunday, can't wait for that yummy dinner.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Singing and Laughing

Here is Peyton singing Happy Birthday to her Daddy, till she realized I started taking a video and she changed it to Mommy. Cam's Birthday was Nov 21, so she has birthday on the brain.

Peyton loves to sing, she loves cartoons now too. For so long I couldn't get her to watch 15 minutes of TV so I could shower and now all I hear is "Turn my cartoons on" or "Daddy turned my cartoons off!"

I drove thru town Tuesday night and Peyton said "Look at em all Mom, look at em". What on earth??? "Kissmass Lights Mommy" "Santa Claus" "Lots of em" She loves the lights this year, I am really going to enjoy Christmas with her this year.

DJ is laughing and talking so much, it still amazes me how much they learn, grow and change every day. He will be 4 months tomorrow! Already. He pulls himself up if you have him reclined back, trying to sit up to see everything. Strong little guy.

The Berg Christmas is this Sunday, looking forward to seeing all of the family.

With any luck, we will be cutting down the Christmas tree on Saturday.

Cherish every moment as if it were your last.