Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does she look like she is having fun? I don't know, I think it is questionable!!

Today Danny is 8 weeks old! Tonight we have his 8 week appointment and shots. I cannot believe he is already 8 weeks!! He is smiling and coo'ing quite a bit. These are the fun days, everyday you discover that he has discovered something new, whether it is something he can do or his surroundings, it will always put a smile on my face. Knowing this is quite possibly our last child, it is a little more emotional for me.

Peyton is learning everyday too. I can hold a complete conversation with her. Some of the words are gibberish yet, but I can pretty much get what she is saying. One night last week Cam & I were wrestling in the living room and Peyton was playing along until I pretended to get hurt. She looked at Cam, put her hand to his face and said "Daddy, Enough!"
She helped her Dad finish up her playground last weekend. She is the queen of the sandbox now, let me tell you!
Here she is helping Dad figure out the best place to position the handles to climb to the top.
Hmmm.......Slide looks good. Even tested it 100 times.

I have to get some more pictures of Danny up soon.
The Hog Roast is Saturday the 10th at 5 pm!!
See you and your family there!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

He is 7 weeks old already! ALREADY!
Saturday I took him in to the clinic for a cold and what I thought may be pink eye. Turns out the cold isn't in his lungs and ears look good. No worries and the pink eye is really blocked tear ducts from the cold. Yucky, goopy, eyes. He weighed 13 pounds and 0 ounces! I had to take a double check at the scale. I wasn't ready to see that he had grown that much, then I realized he is almost 2 months old. You can't take a single day of it back and I can't slow down time. No wonder the 3rd & 4th child come along. You can't get that time back so you create it all over again. I understand now.
No! I am not! and I won't be either! Took measures to avoid # 3 already.
Two is good, ask me again in 2 to 3 years!

Danny was sleeping on Cam's chest on Saturday, Peyton had to be sure to get her share of Daddy too.

Oh yes, when we aren't pulling, it is impossible for Cam to just sit still and relax.
Peyton & Danny are getting a jungle gym over their sandbox now. This is the top level.
There will be 3 levels with a slide and 2 swings when all is said and done.
Sunday he had the 2nd level up and the slide attached.
Peyton probably went down the slide 100 times already.
Sunday I got to take a break from the kids and made home-made Apple Sauce with apples off of our trees. This was a first for me. Thanks to Hank and Dad for all the help making it.
Last night Cam sat down with a jar of it and ate darn near the whole thing!
We thought the pulling season was done.
Then we got wind of another one in Viola, WI this weekend.
You know where to find us.
Have a great week!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Peyton's Birthday Party

We had the family birthday party for Peyton on Labor Day. Hmm...looks like I missed a week in posting updates. Oops!

Peyton's 2 year check-up went well. She is 28 pounds and 33" tall, I should say "short", guess that comes from the Nicolai/Niebur side. She isn't noticeably short, however, she is in the bottom 50% of kids her age for height.

Her party went well, she got tons of gifts. Thank you SO much to everyone, she didn't need any of it, but loves all of it! Everyone did way too much, as usual.

She had fun eating her cake.

Here she is trying to get Jo to lick her finger. She is saying "Jo lick it". Of course, Jo was paying attention to other things, turned her head and got the frosting right on the nose!

Petie was called to duty when Peyton put her elbow in the frosting. They make a good team!

We pulled at Dales Twin Pines on Friday the 4th, Cam got 1-First, 2-Seconds and a Third. We also pulled in Osceola on Friday the 11th for the Shootout, Cam got 7th. Which is very good since the shootout consists of the Prostock, Modified and Open class trucks and Cam is a ProStock truck, he did pretty darn good.
Pulling is pretty much done, we could go to Mora this Saturday, but doubt we will, those Heartland Truck Puller's don't like it when Cam shows up and we aren't feeling like getting that luxury treatment right now. That may change, depending how our week goes, we may have the desire to tick some people off by Saturday.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Peyton's Day with Mom

Last week, after all my guilt for taking attention away from her and giving it to her new brother, I decided to spend a day with her at the water park. Kelly and the girls came down and joined in on the fun.

What started out as a rainy day turned out to be beautiful.

Jo is just chillin'

I take Peyton in today for her 2 YEAR well baby check-up and shots. Not looking forward to the shots. The older she gets, the harder that stuff is.

This was the other morning, she told me she wanted to go night night with Daddy and pulled the blanket over her head. She rode the whole way to mom's like this.

Put in "Erica Berg" as the Customer Name and checkout the shots I got on Friday at JC Penny.

This Friday - Cumberland, WI pulling
Saturday - Date night, Jim Falls, WI to watch the pull
Sunday - Celebrating Cauy's Birthday!!
Monday - Celebrating Peyton's Birthday!!