Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I was either camera happy or we had a pretty eventful weekend.

Friday we pulled in Glenwood City, WI - two 2nd place finishes, just by 2 feet both times!

I wish this kids head would not have been in the way, I like the picture anyway, Cam is looking out the window to see if he passed the almighty cone that marks the furthest distance. His tires are still spinning like crazy.
Saturday we pulled at the Little Log House Pioneer Village in Hastings. 1st in the Heavy Class and 2nd in the Light Class. Okay I need to brag a little bit. It always seems when we are close to home that we aren't as successful at anything we do, I always blame it on all the people watching us that we know. Well this time he laid down one heck of a pass, he wasn't giving up anything other than clutch dust. Put 5 feet on them in the heavy class, which is pretty awesome!

We had a little bit of spare time at the pull so I snuck Peyton up to look at all the tractors at the show, she got to sit on one of my Dad's tractors, look how serious she looks. She was in her element, that is for sure. Working, just like everyone else around her. She was on the edge of her seat walking around that village, she just loved it.

Sunday Cam fixed the brakes in the Explorer, with Peyton's help of course.

She dug right in. She had one proud Daddy that is for sure!

That pad they are sitting on is what Petie normally lays on, so when Cam sat on it, Peyton flipped out telling Cam to get off, it was Petie's!! It was kind of cute. She was looking out for her puppy!

Here is a picture of Peyton on her Toddler Bed. She LOVES it. We took it out of the Explorer and Cam couldn't unload it quick enough, she was going 100 mph saying "bed, bed, bed, mine, mine, mine". We set it on the ground to get a better grip on it, she jumped up on right away. We had to carry the bed in the house with her on it. Needless to say, the bed hasn't been allowed to leave the living room now. I guess I don't have to worry about her being afraid to sleep in it!

Every night when we get home we have to go to the garden for Peas. We are getting pretty low, the peas are almost done. Peyton loves the Peas, to a point where she cries if I tell her we picked all of them and have to wait a couple days for more. We head for the raspberry patch after the peas and she eats them just as quick as I pick them. Petie picks the berries and eats them too, it is a bonding moment for the two of them.

I am 37 weeks now, going to the doctor tomorrow morning. We will see if anything has changed. I have the baby book, a blanket and PJ's packed for the little guy. That is it though. I better get that all ready, I suppose.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Priceless moments

Over the weekend we went on a boat cruise in Stillwater. Here is a picture that is just "priceless" to me. Peyton and Dad are sitting on the floor in the lounge area of the boat, they were playing with Peyton's new toys she won that day.
Friday night we pulled in Arkansaw, Wi. Cam got 1st in the light class and 2nd in the heavy class.
Saturday was the show~n~tell where I work, before heading out for our Safety Meeting/Cruise. Here is a picture of the truck and Gina's dragster, both were on display. Peyton loved the boat ride and the water, her eyes were just huge when she realized the boat was leaving the dock.
Sunday we went to the Car Craft Car Show, it was a gorgeous day for walking around the State Fairgrounds. Peyton was a Daddy's girl all weekend. I think she gave him at least 100 hugs. He learned the trick. You say "Ouch, Ouch" and Peyton says "Hug" and gives you a hug to make it better. Cam was soaking that up for all he could.
I have a feeling Peyton may have allergies. In the past her right eye has always watered when she was outside. I always figured the wind got to her or something. On Sunday when we were walking around the fairgrounds her eye was just watering like crazy and then her nose started to run too. It was to the point that she was holding a Kleenex herself and wiping the tears off of her cheek and wiping her nose on her own. When we got in the car to head home, her eye and nose were cleared up within 15 minutes. My mom has been saying she thinks she has allergies for probably about a year now. I think she is right. The doctor gave me a couple of tips, we will try them to see if they help, if not, we are off to the clinic for a visit.
I had my 36 week checkup yesterday. I am 1 cm dilated. The doctor leaves for vacation next week and comes back August 7th. I have an appointment with her on the 10th and she said she will be surprised if I am still pregnant the 10th! Uh Oh!
Last night my co-workers took me out for dinner/shower, I went home with lots of new clothes and some neat toys too. Thanks to all of you that were there.
Thank you Cam for washing and waxing my car! Really, I have been trying to wax my car on my own for the last month. Cam ~ you rock!!
This picture below is what I got when I asked Peyton to say "cheese". I guess "go Daddy, go" is the better statement, at least she shows excitement when she does that. She is looking at me like I am crazy or something.

MMmmm.....tacos! Thanks for the tacos Saturday night Lois. Check Peyton out with her Dad's hat on. I am telling you, she was a Daddy's girl all weekend. She looked like one of those pouter dolls.

This Friday we pull in Glenwood City, Wi and then on Saturday we pull at the Little Log House show just south of Hastings, MN. Sunday we pull in Montgomery, MN. Another action packed weekend!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Christmas is only 5 1/2 months away!

Okay, time is flying by so fast that I can't help but wonder how we are able to move this pace and survive!

I have my 36 week checkup on Monday which means I will be only 2 weeks away from the point I was at when Peyton was born. Am I ready for that? NO!!

Last Friday I celebrated my Birthday. Peyton and I spent the day together, we went to Mankato to pick up my gift from Cam and then we did a little shopping. I bought 14 clothing items for the kids, yes, I said kids. DJ got some new clothes too! Everything at Shopko was 60% off, I had a good time and the kids clothes are cute too! I left there happy.

Friday night I went to Red Lobster with Cam, Bryce and Gina. We had a pretty good time, the guys started picking on the waitress and she gave it right back. That makes it enjoyable. I think that poor waitress brought Bryce about 30 cherries, he kept asking and she brought them. She burned Cam pretty good too. He ordered steak and she said, "we're out of that" and there was a dead silence, I think Cam's evening took a turn for the worse and then finally she said she was kidding and then......Game On, the war between customer's and waitress began. She was a great sport.

Saturday we went to the Cruise In in Hastings. It was a nice relaxing time.
Sunday we washed vehicles and did stuff around the house.

Oh, Thursday night we pulled in River Falls, WI. Two First place finishes for Cam. Got em' in the light class by 2 feet and in the heavy class by 17 feet. Man that thing pulls in the heavy class.

This Friday we pull in Arkansaw, WI (I know, I never realized there was an Arkansaw in WI either! Till we started mud racing there and now we pull there!). Then on Saturday we have our Boat Cruise in Stillwater for work. I think Peyton will love the boat and water but I am a little nervous about her diving into the water. Sunday we are going to try to make it to the Car Craft Show at the Fairgrounds, whew, we will see if we survive Friday and Saturday first.

Not much for pictures this past week. I am slacking a little bit on you.

Peyton's first full sentences:
"I want to see Daddy", "I want to see the water" and "I want to see Petie". What about MaMa!!!

She has been going potty on the potty quite a bit lately. Getting better. With any luck we will have this licked soon, thanks so much to my Mom for all her efforts with it too!!

Video of the Cannon Falls Pull, the last 1/2 of the video is all dust. It was dry and HOT that day.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July 2009 - Come and Gone

Hangin' with Grand Ma after the parade, happy as can be on the "sa cycle"

The Fourth of July came and went so fast this year that it almost didn't feel like a holiday.

So let's see, Friday, hmmm, what happened Friday. Oh yeah, I worked!! Cam went with Bret to Itsen, MN (no idea if I spelled that right). They got first, put 40 feet on the rest of 'em. Peyton and I hung out at home that night. We actually took a 3 hour nap and then ate supper and snuggled on the couch and watched movies. It was very nice.

Saturday we put the bus and puller in the parade, along with Joel. We had a good time, it was fun to see all the people we knew that were watching the parade. Every year we sit and watch the parade and you never realize how many people are lining the streets that you know. The picture above is in the last corner of the parade, Dakotah was riding in the drivers seat of the puller, he was holding the Donkey out the window. Everyone loves Donkey. Joel was right behind us in the parade. Gina walked along outside the bus ~Thank YOU Gina~ I think it makes a difference to have someone out there interacting with the people.
Run Gina, she was thinking get me outta here, they made me walk the whole route.
Thanks again, Gina, your awesome!

Joel even looked like he was having a good time!

Peyton wanted out of the bus to go ride Harley with Grandpa Doc. She was mad when we pulled away and they weren't right behind us, so Grandpa Larry pretended to be on a Harley in the bus with us, Peyton looked at Larry and said "whoa", it was funny.

Saturday night we took Peyton to the fair. She LOVED the rides. So much that I couldn't get her off of them. We went on the Ferris wheel and the carousel, over and over. I couldn't get her off the carousel, she gripped her legs around the horse and held on to the pole so hard that I could barely move her, poor Cam just stood there handing the carny more tickets. Finally I told her the horses had to take a nap and that allowed me to peel her off only crying rather than kicking and screaming. After the first ride she started pushing me away from her. I can do this Mom, I don't need you. After that we watched the fireworks, she didn't get too excited she just watched with wide eyes and said "perty", pretty in Peyton's world.

There is a place in my heart for these hand in hand pictures. I can't get enough of them.

"moo" "cow"

Sunday was the pull at the fair. Cam got 4th, which we were happy with. I actually got a decent picture too, which I was happy with. Finally. It was a long hot day on Sunday, but fun to see a lot of the people from town that we wouldn't have normally seen at a pull.

Today ~ I pray for those unborn children who are developing every little body part, inside and out, you could imagine in their mother's womb. To think, there are actually some women out there selfish enough to not give up their nasty habits for the short 9 months of creation, where the child may have to deal with those selfish choices of their mother for the rest of their lives. It amazes me.