Nice Scooter Jodie!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Nice Scooter Jodie!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
First Pull of 2009
It looks funny with that camper in the background, we were actually driving north on Hwy 20 when I took this.
Bryce taking it easy in his Lazy Boy.
Peyton hung out with Grandma Lois.
Ready and Waiting.
7. Joel pulled 4 classes, got 3 1st's and 1 2nd place!
9 hours later, the pull was done.
Peek! Caught her looking through the spare tire on the trailer.
Have a great week!!
Good luck in Brainerd this weekend Gina!!!
Kick some S/C butt!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I woke her up when I took the picture.
We pull Saturday in River Falls! I will be sure to post pictures next week. I hope everything goes well.
I am thinking about going to buy one of those harness leash type things for Peyton. Any opinions, suggestions??
I would rather have her on a leash, for lack of a better word, than to get run over or chase her constantly.
What do you think?
My 26 week appointment is tomorrow. Time is flying!
Have a great week!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Cam worked his butt off all weekend, getting the flatbed on the bus, I will get pictures for you to see. He is working so hard right now, his Dad his helping him a ton.
He loves having his Dad there with him, those 2 make a good team.
Sunday I got to see my niece Brittany, I miss her, wish I could spend more time with her. She picked up a crib from my Mom for her new addition coming to the world in October. Yes, her boyfriend did the heavy lifting. Again, I was good, I promise.
Yesterday I chased Peyton with the camera between swinging and helping Daddy work on the bus. She has pig tails in, you can hardly tell, man she's got hair!
Bye! Bye!
Have a good week!
(Told you I chased her!!)