Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Peyton's newest word is "work", well one of many new words I guess. In the morning at daycare she gets Bryce's boots out for him so he can go to work. I told her to tell him "money" when he says "Peyton, grab my boots". Yes, she says "Money" as clearly as she says "No". The kid should get paid to lug those big ole boots around!

Last Sunday we pulled in Ridgeland, WI. Cam got 2nd place in the light class and 1st place in the heavy class, by 24 feet!! Wahoo. Hope all goes this good for the rest of the season. For the first time in a long time I got goosebumps watching him pull on Sunday, in the heavy class he just kept picking up speed and going and going, I couldn't believe my eyes! I knew he could do it, it was just really cool to finally get to see it! That thing was still spinning the tires at the 335' mark! Awesome!!
Joel did good too, I can't say for sure, but he got all 1st's and 2nd's.
So.....the Ford Sticker stays on the Bus!! Ha Ha Joel.

Sunday was also the First Annual Jake Eilen Live To Ride, Ride to Live event. We went to watch all the bikes take off, it was pretty impressive to see all the cool custom bikes. We didn't make the after party, but it sounds like a good time was had by all.

Nice Scooter Jodie!!

This Saturday is my dear little nieces 2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jo!

I had my 28 week appointment last night. All is good. Baby measures at 28 1/2 weeks, hopefully that means early baby rather than BIG baby. Time will tell.
This weekend Berg Motorsports heads to Roberts, WI on Saturday for a 1pm pull and if we can make it to Eleva, WI at 7 pm, we will be pulling there too.
Nicolai Racing is heading for Topeka, KS tonight.
Good Luck Cam and Gina!

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Pull of 2009

And we were off!!

In the bus!

It looks funny with that camper in the background, we were actually driving north on Hwy 20 when I took this.

Bryce taking it easy in his Lazy Boy.

Peyton hung out with Grandma Lois.

Note the FORD emblem on the bus ahead of us!

We sold this bus to Joel and couldn't resist his Chevy being pulled by a bus covered in Ford and IH stickers. He is a Chevy and JD fan!

Joel won 3 out of his 4 classes, got 2nd in the 4th class. So he has to leave the stickers on the bus, that was the deal, the stickers stay if he does good.

We have a lot of fun!! Now with 2 buses, who knows what will happen!!

Ready and Waiting.

Here is the weight box Cam built. The guy has talent.

So the first pull went pretty good

1. Windy Day

2. Dry pits = DUST

3. Cold, in the 50's

4. Pulled 2 classes

5. First place in the light class

6. First place in the heavy class (by 70 feet!)

7. Joel pulled 4 classes, got 3 1st's and 1 2nd place!

8. Did I mention the wind, dust and cold???

Yes, DUST, Cam might be mad at me for posting this dusty picture.

9 hours later, the pull was done.

Peyton was still running strong.

Peek! Caught her looking through the spare tire on the trailer.

This Sunday - Ridgeland, WI

Peyton did good at the pull. Since it was cold and windy, we spent most of the day in the bus playing and talking. Once I had her outside, the stroller would only work if we were moving, the teather is going to be a necessity.

She watched her Dad pull quit attentively, I am told.

I was video taping, so Larry and Lois had her.

She kept her eye on her Daddy!


Have a great week!!

Good luck in Brainerd this weekend Gina!!!

Kick some S/C butt!

Monday, May 11, 2009

At night, if Peyton disappears and is quiet, this is where I find her.

I woke her up when I took the picture.

The bus is just about done! Cam painted it Friday night, did finishing touches on Saturday. All that is left is getting the rest of the chairs on the inside and it is ready to go for this Saturday!! He did a great job on the paint.

Check out the new shutters for the playhouse! Grandma Peggy made them.

We pull Saturday in River Falls! I will be sure to post pictures next week. I hope everything goes well.

I am thinking about going to buy one of those harness leash type things for Peyton. Any opinions, suggestions??

I would rather have her on a leash, for lack of a better word, than to get run over or chase her constantly.

What do you think?

My 26 week appointment is tomorrow. Time is flying!

Have a great week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mom Says: Peyton, I am going to go get the bath ready for you, you NEED a bath
Peyton: Bath
Mom: C'mon, the water is running!
Peyton: Stuck, stuck
Mom: Really, are you stuck??
Peyton: Ready!!
I walk out of the bathroom, across the house to find her with her cap and shoes on, READY, to go, not for a bath! What a stinker.

She is so proud and ready to go.
Her shoe was stuck, she couldn't get it over her heel, after some stressful labor, she got it on.
This is her Dirt Flirt shirt her Daddy bought her in Louisville, KY at the pull.

We had an eventful, yet uneventful week this past week.
Tuesday was my 24 week appointment, the doc discovered something that caused worry about pre-term labor, so she threatened me with bedrest. The plus side to this, I got to do another ultrasound and see the little guy in there. He is doing good, growing so fast. End result of the doc visit, do nothing more laborious (is that a word?) than 2 loads of laundry at one time.
That limits a lot! You know how hard that is??!!
Wednesday I picked Peyton up from Daycare and Mom said, "you better take her in, it is getting worse" so we head back to the clinic, only to be turned away. They were packed due to pig flu panic. So I was there the next morning waiting for the doors to open, 3 in front of me, packed by the time I left. She got an anti-biotic and is getting better. Still has a cough but the fever is gone.
Now I have it!!
Friday! Yeah Friday! Cam tilled the garden for me.
I love that man!!
Planted potatoes, onions, green beans, carrots, beets, radishes, sweet peas, sweet corn, pumpkins, acorn squash, gourds, zucchini. I still have cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and more sweet corn to put in. I am going to give that a couple weeks before planting though. I would like to fit in peppers and cucumbers too, but I am running out of room and Cam even dug the garden bigger this year!! Yes, I promise, I took a break after digging the row, planting the row and moving to the next row. I took it easy. Promise!
Cam keeps good tabs on me to be sure I am not over-doing it.
So these flowers came up and bloomed over the weekend. I planted a bunch of Deep Purple Tulips and Iris' I got from the Conservatory at Como Park last spring. These must have been bonus, they certainly aren't tulips or Iris'.
You know what they are??

Cam worked his butt off all weekend, getting the flatbed on the bus, I will get pictures for you to see. He is working so hard right now, his Dad his helping him a ton.
He loves having his Dad there with him, those 2 make a good team.

Sunday I got to see my niece Brittany, I miss her, wish I could spend more time with her. She picked up a crib from my Mom for her new addition coming to the world in October. Yes, her boyfriend did the heavy lifting. Again, I was good, I promise.

Yesterday I chased Peyton with the camera between swinging and helping Daddy work on the bus. She has pig tails in, you can hardly tell, man she's got hair!

Bye! Bye!

Have a good week!

(Told you I chased her!!)