Monday, March 30, 2009

Meet the Newbie

Ok, I finally scanned a couple pic's from the ultrasound on the 18th of March.

These tiny little feet measured 1" long, 1"!

Thinking hard, already. He is nothing like his Dad!!

Peyton loves this nightie, after her bath, we put the "dress" on and she headed for the entry way, grabbed her winter boots, got one of them on and the other required Dad's help. She then proceeded to pace the kitchen as a model would do. After the cat walking was done, she headed to the tractor to get some work done. This pose is when I asked her to smile for me, she was being a smart alec!

Congrats to Joe, Amanda and Ella! Evan finally decided to leave mommy's warmth and try out the lovely MN weather! Can't wait to meet the little guy!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Bryce

Peyton really likes her uncle Bryce, so much that I wonder if she would prefer to go with him rather than me if she had the choice.
Last weekend she was able to play with Bryce at our house for a little while.
I am pretty sure they spend a little time together every morning at daycare. Wink, Wink.
This time it was on Peyton's turf and she let him know who was boss. Every now and then she snuck him a kiss to keep him playing along.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend, worked in the garage most of the weekend, getting ready for pulling. Actually Peyton and I played in the garage while Grandpa Larry and Cam worked. I did get some cleaning done upstairs, eventually we are going to have to move up there and use our 3 bedrooms to live in rather than storage rooms.
I sense another garage sale coming up.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Pat's Day!

Do you like the Princess hat Cam bought her? He says it is supposed to be cocked to one side, that is the way it is comfortable. My child is doomed, with her cocked hat and Hi Octane shirt. Could someone put those groceries away that are sitting on the table while I take these pictures?

Today is St. Patricks Day, what does that mean to me? Well, it means it is Beep's birthday and to stay away from downtown St. Paul tonight.

Last Friday I was driving home from work and seen the same heard of deer I seen the week before. Of course nobody believed me that there were THAT many deer and this time I had my camera! I lost count at 20 deer, it was amazing, I couldn't get all of them in one picture. They hang out in the valley quite a bit.

Also on Friday last week I was sitting at my desk and I hear this noise, I can't type it, otherwise I would, because those of you that "have it" would know what I was typing. It was like womp, womp, womp...... okay I typed it, that has my interest, I have to check it out. It was a rat rod, yeah, rat rod, the sound alone was enough to make me want to get out to the track and smell the fuel and hear the sounds that make those of us that "have it" tick. This was a car being transported by the company that rents space from us. That is why it is half wrapped, they were getting it ready to load onto the transporter.

How Bad do you got it!!!

We went for family pic's and 18 month pic's on Sunday, we got a couple good ones. Peyton wasn't much for smiling but we managed to get one good enough that the photographer plans on putting in the portfolio and if her mgr likes it, it will be blown up to a poster size and put on the wall at the studio and if corporate likes it they will put it in their printed catolog. Cam said, "girl if I tried hard enough, you could make me millions". This is the 3rd time she has been selected from her photo's by professionals and she has won 2 contests. And I am not even trying, they are coming to me. I will post the pic's once I get them.

Oh yea, while waiting for the proof's we went to Spencer's. Any of these onsies spark your interest for the newbie??
1. I Love My Daddy (even though he is an a@#hole!)
2. If you think I am a B@T#%, you should meet my mom!
3. I haven't been here long, but I already know my family is F#@%ed up!
4. Arrow pointing up, "The Boy" arrow pointing down "The legend"
We were laughing so hard, I would have bought Peyton the first one but they didn't have her size!
Life if short, you have to laugh every now and then!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Healthy & Happy

Peyton is back to as normal as possible, finally!! I still have the sinus infection, doc gave me an antibiotic today, so with any luck, our house will be healthy by the end of the week.

Last weekend we celebrated Brittany's 18th Birthday, she actually still has a couple days to go, but it never hurts to celebrate early. Happy Birthday Brit!! We love you!

Tyler turned 7 on Sunday too. Happy Birthday Tyler!! We love you!

It was little Henry Pagel's first birthday on Saturday, you know, I think that is Jill's birthday too. Funny how we remember things about our elementary/high school days. I haven't talked to Jill in years, but I am pretty sure her Birthday is March 7th. Other things I remember about those days, Shelly ~ May 18th, Annie Nov 8th or 16th, I am mixing that one up with one other person, Stacy July 7th and Mandy July 30th ? Popular numbers dialed back in those days were 3018, 3087 and 5186. Again, why do I remember these things? They were all important to me, that is why. Anyway, Happy Birthday Jill and Henry too!!
Here is a little more of Peyton's personality for you.
"Petie, OUT", she shuts him out of the house quite often.

Do you wanna Kiss??

Do these two pictures need captions?
"I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew"! Yeah, Peyton had her first MD experience at about 8:30 pm on Sunday. Oh boy! She was attacking Cam on the floor and wrestling him for probably 2 hours! What a monster! I now believe every story I have ever heard about kids and caffeine. I caught her on the table sipping on Cam's MD, it was too late, she already drank it, the look on her face when she was caught was surely priceless.
Note: the pic's in this post are without the MD, that is "normal" Peyton. I didn't get any pictures of her all jacked up, I felt like crap so Cam dealt with most of that energy.
Ready for pullin' season yet? Me too!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy 18 months Peyton!

Holy Cow my baby is 18 months old already! WOW!
That means little Jo is only 3 tiny months away from being 2 years old!!
Peyton weighed in at 23.5 lbs, 31 inches tall. I can't even tell you where that is percentage wise because I was more concerned about the pneumonia and ear infection she was diagnosed with at that appointment. I walked out without the charts! Dummy.
She had her 2nd chest x-ray in her life already. She had one at 4 months and now another at 18 months. I couldn't be in the room with her since I am hosting a baby creation party of my own. It was hard to hear her cries through the walls. Of course when they took the picture she stopped crying, I heard the nurse say "sure you stop crying when we want the air IN your lungs", they had to re-take that x-ray. She had viral pneumonia. Started Antibiotics on Friday and she is already looking and feeling better. Still got the runny nose and cough but it is all a whole lot better.
As far as the newbie goes, I got to hear the heartbeat and some movement, actually a lot of movement. I am 15 weeks, oops maybe just turned the 16 week mark. I made my next appointment for the end of March and a week after that we get to find out the sex.
Up top is a pic of Peyton on her 18 month birthday, we pretended March 1st was the day since there is not a 30th in February. I asked her to smile and this is what I got.

What?? Smile? Are you kidding?? This was the first request.
After she smiled (pic up top) I said "yay, good job" and this is the smile I got after that. This one shows her personality better.

Her hair is getting so long and it hurts me to think of cutting it, but we may have to do something. How about pigtails??

No way on earth I could get her to let me do this.
Thanks Grand Ma Peggy for taking the pictures!
And thank you for the pig tails!