Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For the love of Raspberries!

What is a raspberry? It is the word that booted me out of the running in the 7th grade spelling bee! That is what a raspberry is! I missed the P! Who knew there was a P in Rasberry!! Ugh. Raspberries are also plentiful at the Berg Ranch and Peyton pigs out on them. I take a cool whip container worth to my moms every other day and there are still plenty to go around. I am posting a picture of her with her fingers all red from eating the rasPberries faster than I could pick them. She was having fun with the dog too, that laugh is priceless, thank god for video so we can capture these moments forever.

Oh, yeah, by the way.....rasPberries stain! I loved that red shirt she was wearing. it says "Forever Daddy's Girl" and now it has black stains all over it. Once raspberries are washed, similar to bannanas, they turn a dark purple and I have no idea how to get it out. If anyone has any tips on getting out fruit stains, I would happily try them!

Cam finished 2nd place in the light and heavy class in Hastings at the Little Log House show, we were very pleased with the way the truck ran. It was so nice to see everyone at the show, it was a really fun day. Thank you to everyone that came to show thier support! Holly has one of the pulls on her digital camera, if I can get it from her, I will post it. We even visited the little pink house to get some root....beer. Sylvia's flower garden is absolutely gorgeous, I am jealous of her green thumb.

Sunday we went to the Car Craft Nationals at the State Fair Grounds, it was a good time. Lots of cool cars, there was a Chevelle with 1250 HP and still didn't qualify for the Top 5 Dyno Challenge, holy cow!! A Mustang II hit a tree and concrete barrier in the 0 to 60 to 0 contest. Oh Crap!! Messed it up pretty good too. It didn't appear any one other than the car was hurt.

Can you beleive it, Peyton will be 11 months old tomorrow! OMG! Time flew by. She is working on her 6th tooth. She stands up on her own and is really trying hard to walk, which of course leads to more bumps and bruises.

Check out the picture of my mom in the bus at the Log House Pull, she has the hippy bandana on and is giving the peace sign......hmmm......bring back memories mom ;). Cauy is in the bus with her, so I am sure he was keeping her in line.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad! We hope you are having a wonderful day!
Love: Cam, Erica and Peyton

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Little Log House Show is This Weekend!

The Little Log House Antique Power Show is this weekend!! We will be pulling on Saturday night at 6 pm. Check out the website at http://www.littleloghouseshow.com/index.php?id=antique_power_show it is a fun place to spend a day and check out all of the restored buildings and see all of the history.

Last weekend we pulled in Rice Lake, Wi. Lois, Peyton and I drove separate and we pulled in as Cam was just coming back from his pull. Darnit! We missed him and we didn't make it to Bargain Bills either! Ugh!!

Not much more to post. So I will leave this one short.

Here are a couple pictures of Peyton with Jake and Anne's son, Jaden. They are daycare playmates.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pulling Fun

Okay - here are the long awaited pictures of "the bus". Cam and his Dad did all of the work to this bus. Cam bought it at MRC in Cannon, I won the bid against a day care! Poor Kids! The chopped the back half off and took out all of the seats. We now have a love seat, lazy boy, 2 comfy rocking chairs and a tool box in the bus. The tool box faces the side doors you see on the bus. Peyton loves the bus and it sure is handy! Cam calls it his Country Cadillac or Hillbilly Deluxe. I wanted to paint Sogn Valley Correctional Facility on the side, I am still working on that! Yeah the intercom works, he can yell at anyone outside of the bus or play music to the outside of the bus. We have a blast with it. Anyway, he got 4th in the light class and 1st in the heavy class in River Falls on Thursday night. Then on Saturday he got a pair of 3rd's in Turtle Lake, WI.

I am posting a picture of Peyton after a truck pulled, look at the excitement in her eyes, she absolutely loves the pulls.

Here are some pictures of a truck tug-o-war that took place by the rowdy's in Turtle Lake after the pull. Nothing could beat this old Ford Pickup. A pro stock pull truck even came out to tug on him and the ford pulled him away. The only one that could hold him in place was another old Ford pickup. The guy in the dark green truck was just plowed, kind of stupid and dangerous but hilarious to watch.
This coming weekend we aren't pulling with our truck. We are heading to the Rice County fair to watch some friends pull with NTPA. Saturday we are going on a boat ride in Stillwater, we will see what Peyton thinks of that.
I had some peas and potatoes from the garden already! Fresh veggies are so delicious! Cam weeded my entire garden for me while I was at dinner with some friends. I should take a picture of it to post now, while it looks nice! Thank you Cam for weeding that garden!!
He just added reason #2,897,249 as to why I love him.
~Till next time~

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My New Title

So - I got my new business cards today and this is what the title says

Erica Berg
Director of Administrations & Accounting

Does that even sound right??

Yeah, I really like my new job a lot. The people are great, which is most important. The work is fun, I enjoy it. The industry is trucking, so, of course, I understand it and have an interest in it.

Peyton has a new playmate at daycare, Jaden Eilen started on Tuesday and this is the picture my mom sent to me on that day, with the caption

"Grand ma I am just too tired .....it was a big job entertaining jaden today."
How cute is that! She loved the playmate and even tried to school him in who is boss at this daycare. Jaden is Jake and Anne Eilen's little boy, he is a cutie and of course Jake and Anne have already discussed Peyton and Jaden's future with Cam. Cam isn't so sure he wants to be related to Jake but he doesn't mind Anne! Funny!

She loves the mirror at my mom and dad's too.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July - try again

Okay - Peyton just published that post on me before the pictures uploaded. So now she is on the floor pulling on my shirt trying to get my attention. So if you want the detail on our weekend you will have to read the post below this one.

Ready for the parade, lets go!

She was so independent in her new chair.

This clown gave her a ton of candy but was a little bothered by the fact that she gave more attention to the freezee the clown before him gave to her.

She had fun at the parade. She got lots of attention. Notice in the picture with the clown - Bret Gustafson and his wife were right next to us at the parade. It was nice to see him and meet his family. Check out Peyton's haircut! My mom cut her hair for the 2nd time already!

Here she is standing up on the ferris wheel before she got in trouble. She couldn't see, I don't think she was in any danger, but I am sure some idiot would let go of their child and they may jump.

Here she is with the cow her dad won for her. She was giving the cow a big fat kiss.

The first couple of fireworks that went off, Peyton would shut her eyes waiting for the boom. But after she figured them out she couldn't keep her eyes off of them.

Happy 4th Of July

We had a great 4th of July weekend. Friday we went to the parade in Cannon Falls and then we took Peyton to the Cannon Valley Fair and the fireworks at dusk. I took her on the ferris wheel and she loved it. Of course, we weren't able to ride it without getting into trouble but we had fun. Peyton was standing on the ride so she could see out of the basket and they stopped the ride to let us know that we would have to get off if she couldn't sit down. Cam played a couple of games and won this cow for Peyton, she absolutely adores it. Of course Cam could have bought a couple cows at Target for what he payed to play and win it, but it was all in good fun. Peyton wasn't too sure of the fireworks at first, but then she loved them. She was pointing and laughing when they would go off. Saturday we lit the bon fire and had our parent's and Gina & Bryce over. We BBQ'd brats and hot dogs over the fire and had tons of salads and s'more & strawberry shortcake for dessert, it was all yummy. We love to cook over the fire at our house, we try to do it once a weekend. Sunday we relaxed and spent some time at Larry and Lois' house.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ten Months ~ ALREADY

Okay, I am still at little behind on my posts. As of June 30th Peyton is already 10 months old!! She has 5 teeth, she says "whats that", "Da Da", "Ma Ma", and a whole lot of mumble jumble. Gina is convinced she says "Gina" and Holly is pretty sure she has said "Holly". I am guessing she weighs around 22 lbs and she is about 30" tall. She can wave bye bye and do "so big". She loves dogs. She can stand by herself and she is working on walking. I can't beleive how fast time has gone by. She has had 2 haircuts already. She is a Daddy's girl, no question. I am posting a couple of pictures of her on her 10 month birthday. She got her haircut on July 1st, so you will notice her haircut on the next post I make. She is sporting the shirt her Dad bought for her at the Tomah Dairyland Nationals, it is a bit big on her, but she doesn't care.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Truck Pullin' Update

Friday night we pulled in Ellsworth, WI at the Cheesecurd Festival - Cam got 3rd there. Then on Saturday we went to Arkansaw, WI (yes....there is an Arkansaw in WI). Cam got 1st in the light class and 2nd in the heavy class. So, we had a pretty good weekend. This weekend we do not have a pull. The next one is Thursday July 10th in River Falls, WI and then Saturday the 12th in Turtle Lake. Sorry - Still no pictures of the bus, I completely forgot to take one and I had the perfect opportunity in Arkansaw! This 4th of July we are looking forward to taking Peyton to her first parade in Cannon Falls.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Como Zoo

Last week my Mom, Kelly and her girls (Emma, Megan and Jo) along with Petyon and I, went to the Como Zoo. It was a Monday, so we thought there wouldn't be very many people there, oh what a mistake that was! It was packed! We still had fun though. We ate lunch at Gabe's by the Park and then went to the zoo. Here are a couple of cute pictures from our trip.
A week ago on Tuesday (so the 17th) Peyton gave her Grandma Peggy a good scare. She dove out of the stroller on my Mom and hit her head on the cement. A trip to the doctors office and a check up, she was just fine, she just gave Grandma a run for her money. She got a little bump on her forehead and a little scratch on the cheek. Of course a day later she fell with me and hit the same side of her head and got a black and blue mark above her eye. And then two days after that she pinched her leg in the stroller and started whining so I picked her up not knowing her baby chub was stuck and she screamed. So there is a big old black and blue mark on her thy too. Ugh....the days of bumps and bruises have begun!