Tuesday, April 29, 2008

8 Months Old!

Peyton will be 8 months tomorrow! Oh my gosh how time flies. She got her first haircut/trim last Wednesday! Tonight we are meeting with the Pastor from the church down the road to talk about Baptism. Everything used to seem so simple and now with my own child, this is one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make for her. I hope I make the right one! They have a great youth program and that is what it is boiling down to, where can she be the most involved and always have things to do. This onsie is from Joe and Amanda McDonough, friends of ours that also favor Ford. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. This weekend we are supposed to head out to go camping at Wayne and Jessica's in Grantsburg, but it may be way too cold, Peyton may have to stay home, or we may all have to stay home. Last weekend I had a garage sale and it snowed!!! I got a B+ on my final, which leaves me with either a high B or a low A for my final grade, bummer, I was hoping for better. That is what I get for not putting much effort into the first 2 months of class. Till next time!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Supposed to be Studying

So here I am...I am supposed to be studying for my final. My LAST final is tomorrow night and then.....graduation! Whew...finally......I am already considering a Masters in Finance or M.I.S. is that stupid or what?? Anyway, I needed a break from studying, Peyton is at my Mom's (thank you mom for watching her while I study), so I figured I will add a quick note. Peyton went to church on Sunday at Urland, just down the road from us. Who knew this would be such a difficult decision for me?? Catholic, Lutheran, Christian.......too many choices and things to think about. We are meeting with Pastor Sharot on Tuesday to discuss the Lutheran church and baptism for Peyton. Larry and Lois came with to the church service, Peyton stayed in Grandpa Larry's arms just about the entire time. I am posting a pic of those 2 together at the Kath reunion in January...they get along so well. The other 2 pics are from last weekend, 7 1/2 months already! Peyton is really working hard at crawling, she can make it about 2 feet and then loses her patience in trying to figure it out (again, lack of patience, from her dad). We walked around the yard and looked at trees, Peyton laughed the entire time, she likes the rough ride in the stroller......again her Dad!! She is a female version of her Dad. I love that!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Her First Tooth!

Peyton got her first tooth yesterday the 17th of April. It is one of the front teeth on the bottom. She was pretty proud when I put my finger in her mouth and actually felt it. She just smiled with greatness when I excitedly found it! She had some pretty messy diapers a couple of days ago but other than that she hasn't been crabby so she must have her Dad's tolerance for pain. She doesn't care if you feel for it either.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh My - Now an Ear Infection

Okay - nobody told me that I would have to deal with this many trips to the doctors office! We went back on Friday and Peyton has an ear infection now. Of course, my Mom knew and so did Cam. They both said something still isn't right. I figured she was still recovering from Croup and getting that shot. So......a different antibiotic and we are on our merry way. Here is a little video of her playing with Petie on Thursday night. Even for being sick, she is pretty happy. She taunts Petie with food whenever she has it. She will sit in her highchair and hold the food over the edge till he gets just about close enough to snag it and she will pull it away from him. Those two make a good pair. This weekend we cleaned out the house, we are having a garage sale the 25th and 26th of this month. Gotta make room for Peyton!

This video she is teasing him......

......and then.....he finally just goes for whatever crumbs he can find.

Till next time.......think 50 degree weather and it may actually happen!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just another reason I love my Mom

Today Cam and I dropped Peyton off at Grand Ma Peggy's for daycare. As soon as she took her into her arms, Peyton put one hand on each of her cheeks and started kissing her. It was adorable! I am so thankful that my mom does daycare and I know how much love Peyton is getting from her just by the kisses she gives her and the way she smiles when I leave her there.

Thank you Mom for being such a spectacular person!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yet Another Round of Croup

Oh the joys of a sick child - Peyton has croup again or still has croup from a month ago. Either way, this is the third shot she has gone through for Croup! Poor Girl! The doctor still thinks it is all viral, however, if she gets it one more time this season, she is going to have to go through some more tests and x-rays to check things out. She had her first chest x-ray when she was 3 months old and hated it. Luckily I got to stand outside the room, Cam was the one who was tortured having to hold her down for the x-rays. She is in great spirits, still smiling and happy as can be, just coughing and having a hard time breathing at night. We spent the night in each others arms on the couch, I love the comfort we give each other, but it stinks that she was up all night. Last weekend I took her with me to my Cousin Nicole Nicolai's bridal shower, we had a lot of fun, it was nice to see all of the family. Nicole is hopping on the bandwagon and becoming a Berg too! No relation to the Berg's I married into - they are everywhere!! We also went for a road trip into Wisconsin with Larry and Lois - Peyton got sick of her car seat - she is getting more and more independent, she was trying with all of her mite to break free from those straps.