Friday, March 28, 2008

Sinus Infection!

I broke down and took Peyton back to the clinic today. She had croup 2 weeks ago and the garbage in her throat just hasn't gone away yet. So, finally after another sleepless night due to hacking up gunk, I took her in. The doc says it may still be a slight amount of croup but she is thinking she has a sinus infection and if we get rid of that, she should be able to lay down to sleep at night and not wake up unable to breath and gagging on goo. So, 10 days of the pink stuff, hopefully it works. She had RSV, Croup and Ear Infection all at once in least this time her ears look good and no RSV. We missed the Berg and Regenscheid family Christmas' because we were in the ER doing chest xrays and tests at 3 months, we are doing all we can to avoid another ER trip.

Peyton says: fv bt cchrc xh yhyjknthfdeb - Translation: Gina when are we going racing????
I posted a pic of Peyton giving Dad a big kiss back in January.

Take care!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Peyton is 7 months

Hey all - Peyton will be 7 months old in 2 days! Oh my how time is flying by. I remember when she was first born and I couldn't wait for her to get a little older and now I wish she was still that tiny little girl I held onto at 6:31 am on August 30th. Just thinking back to waking Cam up that morning at 4 am, after starting contractions and water breaking at 2 am, he was watching the Cosby show while I took a bath, one of the Cosby girls was having a baby on the show at 4am, how ironic, the trip to the hospital....whew that was probably the worst of the whole experience. But it is fun to think back to how quickly we became a family. Can't wait for the next one. Now here we sit, Peyton in front of me...helping me write this....boy do we have interaction now. She is only going to become more and more fun too. She gives great kisses still, some get a little wet, but they are priceless.

Peyton wants to write something, I am giving in: cvcvhhvkmmlk'njjxdgjj eium hbv bnmm jmki o gv 0

We are working on her spelling, ha ha, I think she is trying to say "Cool, I can type just like mom, hi Grandma, hi Kelly!"

She is a ton of fun! We are going to have several boys to protect her from of protect from her!! Jake and Anne had a boy! Troy had Twin Boys, Chad and Shanna - a boy and now Shelly and Brendon - a boy!!! Oh Boy!

She laughs out loud so much and she is saying Ma Ma but I am not convinced she knows what she is saying yet. She is totally a Daddys girl, she had croup, for the 2nd time a couple weeks ago and she was crying, I couldn't settle her down for nothing.....Cam walks out of the room and sat down next to her and said "hey baby girl" she instantly stopped, looked at him and smiled. Ugh!! At 3 am mom wasn't happy.

Here is a pic of Peyton in her new jumper Grand Ma Peggy bought, she LOVES it. The other pic is easter Sunday in the dress Grandma Berg bought her. Peyton loves Aunt Holly and Cousin Brittany!

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 2008

Hello All - It took a while to get back to the bljog, but we are here now. Peyton is 6 months old now, I can't believe how much she is learning and growing! She can sit on her own now, she is rolling over and trying really hard to crawl....that is going to take a little work yet. She grabs for everything in front of her, she puts all of it in her mouth too! I added a pic of Peyton in her first spring dress, she was feeling "pretty" when I put it on her. Cam is getting ready for the 2008 pulling season. Erica is simply busy with work and school, graduating in one more month! Finally!!!!!!